Threw the spindles and hubs on today to get the wheels on so I can get it where I want it. Still waiting on my parts. Ill be ordering all the rest of my parts at the end of the week hopefully.
Gonna order a new set of 17" steel wheels I decided. I was going to run h2's but I think I want about an inch less backspace to have a little more steering clearance, and it still wont be too wide. 4" total wider outside of tire to outside of tire with an 8" rim or 5" total wider on a 9" rim than what I had before. I think im going to run the 8 for now. If I change down the road Im buying bead locks. Something fancy and aluminum.
If I get my parts tomorrow Ill probably make my links and get that set, then I can pull it back out and finish it up.
Gonna order a new set of 17" steel wheels I decided. I was going to run h2's but I think I want about an inch less backspace to have a little more steering clearance, and it still wont be too wide. 4" total wider outside of tire to outside of tire with an 8" rim or 5" total wider on a 9" rim than what I had before. I think im going to run the 8 for now. If I change down the road Im buying bead locks. Something fancy and aluminum.
If I get my parts tomorrow Ill probably make my links and get that set, then I can pull it back out and finish it up.
