i dont know if its me or the angle of the pic......it looks like it would hit where the hood latch is when fully compressed ? could we see front view angle? looks sweet though...
i dont know if its me or the angle of the pic......it looks like it would hit where the hood latch is when fully compressed ? could we see front view angle? looks sweet though...
I think I should have enough clearance... I haven't really finished them yet either, they are only tacked in. I use right triangles to figure out a lot of stuff, so I gotta do some calc's, and then flex it to be sure... definately will post finished results. Thanks for the input
I think I should have enough clearance... I haven't really finished them yet either, they are only tacked in. I use right triangles to figure out a lot of stuff, so I gotta do some calc's, and then flex it to be sure... definately will post finished results. Thanks for the input
wasnt bustin....just the angle was playin tricks on my eyes...lol love the shocks....BEEF!!
wasnt bustin....just the angle was playin tricks on my eyes...lol love the shocks....BEEF!!
no worries, always appreciate input, thats why its on here. I have setup shock mounts before and had dented shocks shortly thereafter... I need all the help I can get, don't want to dent these
no worries, always appreciate input, thats why its on here. I have setup shock mounts before and had dented shocks shortly thereafter... I need all the help I can get, don't want to dent these
im sure....haha at around 3-400 a piece probably good idea to doublecheck
....did you cycle the suspension,yet? it almost looks like if there was a way to move the area where your hood latch is out a bit ,you might get the clearance...again pics always play tricks on your eyes until you see it in person...
im sure....haha at around 3-400 a piece probably good idea to doublecheck
....did you cycle the suspension,yet? it almost looks like if there was a way to move the area where your hood latch is out a bit ,you might get the clearance...again pics always play tricks on your eyes until you see it in person...
I still have to cycle it with the shocks, was going to do it sooner, but I welded the shock mounts on the axles wrong the shocks came in 2 boxes, all the misalignment spacers were in one box, and it was not the first box I opened. I was going to make spacers so I spaced it to what I thought would work, but I was wrong... Oh well the new brackets are here, I just need to take the outers off and cut the old ones off and weld the new ones on correctly.
In the mean time I did some stuff with the rear
Crossmember for the rear... This one is lighter and more compact than the old one... my old like setup used a crossmember to mount the lower links, which I didn't use this time.
Lol installed, you can kinda see it
I also got my rear 4 link setup everything is tacked in, I have to cycle it and weld the stuff out. I went with lower anti-squat than before, a higher roll axis, and shorter lowers.
I did not take many breaks to take pictures, thats all I have for now, I will take some more, next time I am out there.
Lookin good man! hey I dunno if you got my message but I was @ the gym when you sent me a text.
Thanks, and I did, you missed some good cold ones, tough guy.
More 4 link pics
I basically used the same design as up front, the lowers are about the same, the uppers are slightly longer but I will able to use the same spare front and rear. I notched an inch off of the bottom of the frame to get the lower link frame mounts up a little to increase the anti-squat.
I had everything tacked in so I compressed,drooped, and flexed it
6" Compressed