also pickin up some DOM this week. i need to get the cage in so i can figure out how im going to run my tube fenders. i dont want my fenders to be just bolted to the tub, im going to hole saw the firewall and tie them into the cage, also the fenders will tie into the grill hoop. I asked my friend with a bender and he is game for letting me use it whenever i want, so i think im going to try and do it myself and not go with the BTF kit.
"when I'm riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive...when I stop riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive"
so andy came over today and welded up his H1's with my welder. they came out nice
i cut off the old coilover brackets from the cage. the tube over hung where the bracket was so i left a little gusset so it wouldnt be just hanging out in space.
one off, ran out of cutting wheels lol
"when I'm riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive...when I stop riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive"
awesome man. the more i think about it, im not sure if i can get a welder in there to weld the fenders to the cage, so i was thinking about welding the end of the tube closed and welding in a nut, then bolting it through the cage... im nto describing it good, but if i do it, you will see what i mean
"when I'm riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive...when I stop riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive"
Yeah that is a tough spot to get into. Thats why I welded the plates to the firewall, then bolted the cage to the plates. I welded the fender tube to the plate first, then welded the tube and plate in. Theres many ways to do it. Mine is a lot simpler with the straight tube in place of a fender.