So here is what happened on sunday. I left my shop around 11am after doing a few things to the jeep to make sure it was road and trail ready. The plan was to meet my friend at his house in Durham and then head out to our wheeling destination. I got to his house no problem and the jeep felt really great on the road, it drives really nice! We left my buddys house and got about 3 miles doing 50-55mph, and suddenly there was a screech noise, followed by some drivehafts vibes, followed by some burning gear oil and loud clunking. I pulled over, locked the hubs, and put it in front wheel high and drove back to my house which was about 2 miles away. Got home and took it apart to find this:
It looks like the bearing headed up and welded to the outer race, then the inner race spun on the shaft and heated yp the shaft and twisted it off... why? Maybe a bad bearing, I don't know. There was definately plenty of oil in it, everything was covered!
Not a terrible thing, I was planning on buying the upgraded output anyway, but I missed out on wheeling it. Hopefully in a week or so I will have it going again.
Here is what I ordered from Wild Horses 4x4. It is a 1 3/8 32 spline shaft, with a new housing that uses a Jeep style speedometer drive.
Took it out wheeling today...Good time, just went for a short ride. Made it to the trail and back with no problem, left the windshield at home. Had some overheating problems, I am going to put in a second electric fan to keep it cool. Other than that it went pretty well... a little anti-climactic but it was fun. It did happen, limited pics taken, you can see them on my facebook page
I fucked around with these stupid aftermarket fans, they just did not move enough air to keep it cool. I went to chuck and eddies and got this large fan from a Mercedes car. It is a pusher fan about 16" diamter, cost $25. Works great, I have my fan wired for thermostatic control or manual control. In manual it can keep the temp down to 120 degrees!
Shortened my XJ gas peal at both ends, so the throttle cable has a straight run the the throttle body (seemed like it was binding before) works and feels a lot better!
Switched to a 79 Corvette master in attempt to gain better braking, I still need to work the bugs out but it stops a little better, but I have to adjust the pedal travel, it is too close to the floor
Started working on an OBA setup, here is the tank. It is an aluminum propane cylinder. I removed the propane valve and used pipe fittings to plumb it as it appears in the pics, going to replumb it for an air inlet from the compressor.
Took it out wheeling again. I wheeled the whole day without any issues, except fuel starvation when the fuel cell got low on hills. It did a lot better this time and is a total blast to drive!
2012 Honda Accord - For DD/MPG Porpoises - Cooper Tire: Count on Cooper
2014 Granite Crystal WK2 Limited - Nitto Tire: Fueled by Enthusiasts
Poontang Pro 300EX 42" - For lawn porpoises
OG KOT #4736 Semper Sky Rock Racing/Standardbred Racing Designs 15.5 HP Turbo-Cool Craftsman, 6 Spd w/ crawl box, fat turf treads, Custom paint, and a red onzie