couple more to do this spot more justice. Even this doesnt do it. The rocks were all covered in moss. Once the back tires hit the rock the back end slid over and almost smashed out the window, dented right behind it, put a good one in the hatch too.
No, I need to get my bump stops done. I need to raise the front shock mount too though. I have an awesome idea for front bumps though. It's gonna be fancy.
This is the ram. I got the SAE6 to JIC fittings I need, and just realized I didnt order the right fittings for the box. Oh well. Ill grab them from napa. Im going to have napa make my hoses once I know what size I need anyway. They will be -6 JIC.
Not a big update but I did get some goodies. This will be saturdays project and will get tested out Sunday. Made 2 tabs today.
I'm going to weld washers inside and out on the tabs to space it some, and to strengthen up the 3/16" I'm using.
With how the eye is welded to the end, for my fittings to point up where they need to be I think my only real choice is to mount that end to tje diff cover so the bolt is horizontal not verticle.
Either that or if there's room to mount to the axle and use 90 degree fittings. But they would be directly behind the cylinder. Might be ok too
Everything went pretty smoothly. I mounted the ram to the diff cover because it netted me the best clearance between everything.
I had enough room behind it for the fittings to be at the rear too.
The whole project took me 4 hours. I did already have the cooler mounted though.
I drilled and tapped the box and used straight fittings there.
With my low lift height there isnt a whole lot of room for hoses but they are tucked up out of the way and dont seem to be rubbing anything dangerous.
The ram is mounted with 3/4" bolts. I like the swivel eves, there is no binding through its whole range.
I also tried to keep the ram as parallel with the tie rod as possible. I didnt want it pushing out against it.
once I had it bled I locked the hubs and tried it out. Typically with the hubs locked on dry pavement it wont turn. Not like its hard, it wont. No problem now.
Then I took it down the street to see how that was. Doesnt really drive any different, putting load left to right reacts kind of quick but not bad. Its from having to hold a bit of pressure left to fight the road crown then turning right it pushes right over. So as long as your cognoscente of how how it reacts, its fine.
When I got back from my road test I pulled right up against my retaining wall and tried to turn. The wheel will push the jeep right away from the wall and not bind. It takes a little effort, but it turns.
So hopefully tomorrow Ill get to try it out weather pending.
So I need to make some changes. I wanted to go to a taller tire anyway, so this is my chance. Bill found me a set of 39.5" iroks from a guy on NTC which I have put a deposit on.
I have heard of issues with them burping air and loosing beads. I have had enough of that. So I found these guys.
They have an interesting solution to anti coning. Which is one of my issues with DIY beadlocks. So I am going to give them a shot. I think in this style. Maybe the Heavy Metal style
So I will hopefully have my tires next week and a replacement wheel or 2 then I can weld the beadlocks on and see how it goes. Im also going to go with the heavier 1/4" version. I think I'm pretty safe not bending one of those.
im still wondering how that back rim went from one part being just a little bent to the whole damn thing all gnarled up...
from the few people ive talked to about the iroks in that size it seems to really only happen with Dan, would ya try just reg. rims w no beadlocks first or you just goin all out?
but the solution you found also sounds like it will work too...seems like they heard everyones prayers!
The other pic of the rim is the other side before we fixed it on the trail.
Beadlocks will solve the burping air isue. And the rim bending issue lol. Cant burp air if they are bolted to the wheel. So Im not even gonna try it, just gonna do the beadlocks while I have to have the tires off the rims anyway