Got the old perches off the front 60 today gotta do some grinding still though.
Also finally placed an order for some link mounts frame side upper and lowers and lowers for the axle side as well as coil buckets going to be making my own upper mount for the axle side as well as track bar mount
89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'
Front 60 all ground down just gotta give it a pass with the wire wheel and shes ready 4 brackets
89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'
Bumping this havent spent much time on the jeep recently but have been making money soo soon it will come together..
Today got the bracketry all good on the 60
Going to gusset the upper mount and install gears and the rest of the outers tommorow as well as also finally ordering my joints tommorow so i can get to making links!
89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'
Looks good,
You might want to weld the tubes onto the housing while it is clean and apart.
Also I added steering stops to the back of my C you you have steering stops on both the front and rear of the knuckles.
I cannot find a good picture but I just tapped a 1/2 hole into the C on the flat area where the steering stop hits, then you can adjust the bolt length I have the Bolt head hit the knuckle I'm sure you can figure it out.
It was really easy steel to tap. can be done with the knuckles in place
Shoulda welded the tubes but didnt ohh well maybe when I gear it.. And the steering stops are a good Idea but Just trying to get it setup under the truck first. Thanks for the Idea though
Got the 3 link setup everything but the track bar
89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'
Got the wheels on as well and rolled it under the truck to see what its lookin like.. also got a gasket set and water pump for the motor going to try to get it together tommorow.
89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'
Wouldn't you rather have the 3rd link on the drivers side since that's where the moment of the axle is based around (pumpkin)???
nope you dont have to run the upper link to the pumpkin the upper link can be placed on either side
89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'
do the h2 wheels fit over the hubs on your front end. I bought a set of h2 wheels for my gm d60 front and the wheels dont fit up against the rotor. Cant even start a lug nut. Going to increase the center diameter of the wheels to fit but just curious if this is the same on the ford axle.
do the h2 wheels fit over the hubs on your front end. I bought a set of h2 wheels for my gm d60 front and the wheels dont fit up against the rotor. Cant even start a lug nut. Going to increase the center diameter of the wheels to fit but just curious if this is the same on the ford axle.
Yeah the front clears without an issue not sure about the rear yet... although 2 of my rims are already clearenced those could be on the axle I have to look..
89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'
89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'
Got alot done recently Mid and front stiffiners are basically done need to make some rears.
Got a 2000 E250 dana 60 35 spline semi floater with disc brakes for $100 bucks which is not setup under the back of the truck
Front axle is almost completely setup minus steering and trackbar which im waiting to get some more heims for already Have 12ft of 1.75 .250 wall waiting for it.
Drivetrain is in as of today harness basically needs to be plugged in and need to plumb it (fuel and trans lines). Still need to get brakelines and brakes as well as shocks.
Things are coming along finally! shooting to be wheeling this thing at RC by April 15th
89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'