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Jon mac has a boner!
john mac reporting in.
october 7:
things get weird. not many people on campus as it is break. sipping southern comfort on the rocks like a classy motherfucker. my teammates get doctor mcgillicuddy for a house call. needless to say, the doctor did not help. looking for honeys but there aren't too many. things end up back at my house. i can't see. neither can any of my teammates. needless to say things are looking grim at this point. things get even grimmer when i enter my room and my old fuck buddy is in my roommates bed unbeknownst to me. we all dislike her greatly. except my roommate, tonight. i get into bed. immediately get out of bed and make a run for the can. as i puke in my yeungling 24 rack with trash bag inside it, i hear the familiar moans of a british girl who i used to slam. between bouts of yam i smile to myself realizing shes doing it out of spite and proceed to puke again and give not 1, not 2, but ZERO fucks.
classy drinks, british bitches, and wiener cousins with my roommate.
i wasnt kidding when i said things got weird.
jon mac out.Hack Shack Racing #4632 Jeep TJ