if you deserve to go to college for free..... then you do. This is why there are universities that award full academic scholarships.
Dr. Tseu, the head of the Engineering dept at my school went to University of Texas for free. He also went straight through something like 12 years and has his Phd in Aerospace Engineering then worked at NASA's JPL before he retired to be a college professor.....
Saying he is a very smart man is an insult. People with that gift deserve to go to college for free. Sally who graduates from high school with a 3.7 and wants to go to college, i'm sorry but she doesnt deserve to go for free.
I am at RPI, one of the most expensive schools in the country and it really is all about earning it, my room-mate comes for little to no money but he is able to come here though scholarships, they even say during tours that you shouldn't worry about paying it because you pay what you can, get scholarships and loans for the rest. There is even a program for engineers where the DOD and DARPA essentially pay for everything but every year they pay, you have to work for them for a year. When I went to Middlesex community college they had so many scholarships that people didn't even apply for I knew people who were essentially paid to go to college. These people on wall st just seem too stupid to figure it out on their own, we'll see though there is going to be a guest speaker in one of my classes on Wednesday who is supposedly one of the organizers of the protest or something like that, I'll be sure to ask him what he is smoking and where I can get some.
There aren't scholarships enough to cover everyones needs.
Also some people can't afford to pay back a loan. For these folks college, community or Ivy league is not a viable option.
How can they not afford to pay back a community college loan, unless they aren't going to get a job with their degree? Was the whole point of going to college to waste every bodies time? It goes back to, if you don't plan on doing anything with your resources, then why do you want them?
I went to Quinnipiac (graduated in 2005) which is now up to $40,330 a year. + plus books, room, & board.
the goal of in state community colleges is to provide a college education easily affordable by someone making minimum wage.
My brothers school is 49k a year plus room and board. he has loans out the ass, but did recieve quite a bit in scholarship money.
State schools are relatively affordable. UConn i believe is only like 22k per year and SCSU is like 14 or 16k per year. And in state schools offer ALOT of scholarship money and grants for people from low income families, you just need to have the grades to get that kind of financial help with school.
Private colleges are just that private institutions, if someone can't afford it or isn't willing to take on the burden of large student loans then go to a state school. A degree from Quinnipiac or Sacred Heart isn't much different than one from UConn, it's the same piece of paper, just different costs. Employers do not hire you based on where you got your degree alone.
Also that has increased, when i started in fall of 2008, full-time 12 credits or more was only $1200 a semester
No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.
ForSure Motorsports
Win or Lose, We Booze.
Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers
The CEO of the company I work for doesn't make 343 times the average worker here, but it is over 100 times the average worker pay, which is mother fucking insane anyway you slice it.
I think that is one of the major points of the protestors?
So if you don't have money you don't deserve college? Or if you are unemployed?
Or if you have a family to feed and house with $9/hr?
Again, if you really want it, THERE ARE WAYS to go about it. Higher education isn't a RIGHT, it's something you have to pursue. Most corporate execs didn't come in off the streets and start making millions, they worked their way up... Look at the jackass that started "girls gone wild" if you don't think YOU are living in the land of opportunity. This guy started with a cheap handy cam and a couple beads, and in under ten years became the head of an empire. It happens, just not to you.
Greatness does not get handed out by the government, it needs to be achieved through sheer will and determination. The success stories of our country did not come from whining about their problems, they come from people doing hard ass work and making something of themselves.
I doubt I'll be a millionaire, but I'm not going to die homeless and penniless. Why? Because I am picking myself up from that point. I used to feel sorry for myself, complaining about how I couldn't fulfill my destiny of greatness if nobody was going to help me... I ate out of dumpsters, lived in boxes, in vehicles that were for-sale, used the town pool to clean myself.... I then realized that if I didn't do something about my situation, I was going to die poor and penniless in a gutter.
Granted, I'm not the port rate of success, but I'm going for my dream and not giving up because of a poor market, or my past! If I fail this time, I'll go to school, and then try again.
"Adapt and Overcome!"
No everyone can be great, those that are great, didn't "become" that way, they had to work hard for it, why diminish their achievements just because you simply don't have the drive.
Doesn't anyone think, "Hey, I might just be a nameless face in history"?
How many people have lived and died (and continue to do so) as nothing better than peasantry. These people NEED to exist or nothing throughout history would have ever been accomplished. If you don't MAKE SOMETHING OF YOURSELF, you will always be a nobody to the world.
I understand that I'm not a special little snowflake, but I'm going to make my life the best I can anyhow. Maybe I'll create something, and become a millionaire, and if that happens, I do not want to be forced to pay for the mooching class of non-workers to take all that I MADE because they didn't try hard enough to achieve what I worked hard to make.
Don't punish those that succeed simply because you refuse to do the same. If you aren't going to make life your bitch, you'll always be a bitch to it, and bitch about it!