Don't wanna be forced to pay to live? Squat on someones land.
lets be realistic here
you can call it "squatting on someones land" all you want...but when youre in the middle of the damn wilderness, you may as well be on another planet.
if you really wanna get into technicalities based on this...sitting around and doing nothing is not an option for any living being on this planet, legal wise or otherwise.
man used to have to hunt for food and maintain a basic society to survive
these days the act of hunting and gathering is replaced with working for money to afford the meal you would have hunted for ages ago. and the house you would have otherwise built yourself.
you cant just do nothing, its against the basics of survival. much less a legal thing than just a "its how it is now, and its how it was then" thing. theres land on this earth you can live on if you wanna not work or have a career or be a "part of the system".