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  • #61
    Originally posted by JoeNitro View Post

    Any plans on routing the filler back outside the jeep? If it were me I might get a little annoyed having to open the hatch to fill it.
    1950 Willys Trail Rig
    2007.5 Dodge 2500 QCSB 6.7 Cummins 68RFE 4x4


    • #62
      it was super easy just moving the fuel door up a few inches.

      personally i would seal off the tank from the inside (like i did)


      • #63
        lots of ideas floating around about the tank. its not all set in stone yet. that tray you see isnt finished or mounded yet it was just thrown in to hold the tire while i figure things out.


        • #64
          im working with armand on a raised rear shock mount setup in the rear still so once thats all figured out and setup i will be finishing off the tank "box" and gettting it finalised.


          • #65
            Originally posted by JoeNitro View Post
            Just throwing this out there in case you like the idea, but have you thought about drilling the top hockey puck slightly larger at the top to somewhat "recess" the bolt head into the puck?

            Should be pretty easy to do, I was just thinking that the bolt head could possibly chew up the bump sticking up like that.

            Looks really good though Joe, I'm impressed.


            • #66
              i agree. but, 1. i dident have a drill bit big enough . 2. when it contacts at flex it never hits in the middle the bump stop hits to the outside of the hockey puck stack so not a big deal.... woulda looked cleaner though. i c your point.

              i will get some upclose flex shots of how everything clears and works out once i do the raised rear shock setup in the back.

              the front shocks are 10" and i got 8" for the rear and with y high clearance shock mounts on the axle there isnt enough room to mount the bilstein so im going to raise the upper mount 3" through the floor. the plan i have should be really trick looking and super ez to seal back up once its done.


              • #67



                • #68

                  as you may know got a lil test wheel in on this pig last weekend and im actually really happy with how it did. a few minor tweaks i notice that were e z to fix.

                  i managed to fuck up one of my limit straps, mainly because my welder sucks so i fixed them with the gas mig at armands the next day. i kinda felt the rear needed a little extra lift it seemed to be riding a bit close to bump stop making for a rough ride so i added one stock xj leaf and the 4th leaf out of a RE 6" pack and it now sits alot better.

                  i got the front tube fenders mocked up and in place workin on gettin them cleaned up and painted then possibly strating the rears idk if they will be done b4 OER with other fab work armand and i gotta get done but well see.

                  ill have frash pics up tmr of my fenders and other stuffs...


                  • #69
                    nitro i need to ask you for a huge favor. can u take a picture or measure the distance between your tracbar and the oil pan while the jeep is sittin level, then maybe flex the passenger side and take the same picture. i will owe you my life if you do. i'm making a tracbar bracket and wanna make sure i get it in the perfect spot.
                    No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

                    ForSure Motorsports
                    Win or Lose, We Booze.

                    Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


                    • #70
                      ill do this tonight but i will say that at flex my track bar bracket hits my diff cover at exactly the same time it hits bump stop so.... lol but it works


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Even View Post
                        Just throwing this out there in case you like the idea, but have you thought about drilling the top hockey puck slightly larger at the top to somewhat "recess" the bolt head into the puck?
                        recess it. i used wood boring bits.

                        but it didnt keep the hockey pucks from exploding anyway. the rubber stops compressed to the point where the metal bump tower hit em'

                        im still lookin for an affordable nice front bump option.

                        im thinkin the same progressives i have in the rear setup to hit the framerail in front


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Ktmracer419 View Post
                          recess it. i used wood boring bits.

                          but it didnt keep the hockey pucks from exploding anyway. the rubber stops compressed to the point where the metal bump tower hit em'

                          im still lookin for an affordable nice front bump option.

                          im thinkin the same progressives i have in the rear setup to hit the framerail in front
                          that would be awesome.....

                          i already dont like how the pucks work but for now itll haveta dooo...


                          • #73
                            who needs rocks....



                            • #74
                              SO HAPPY WITH THIS JEEP...!!!1!!!1!11!!


                              DEVILS DEN

                              CRAWL DADDY

                              OUTER LIMITS

                              SHOOT THE MOON



                              UPPER TALISMAN
                              Last edited by JoeNitro; 08-11-2010, 08:42 PM.


                              • #75
                                your jeep did impress us all
                                4x4 Station Wagon...

