Thanks guys, yea i decided somthing a little more low profile would be better, especially because Im going to be putting A/C back in the jeep in the summer so I need as much air passing through the radiator as possible. (Gotta keep the baby cool) haha
98 Cherokee, D30/8.25 w/4.56s locked F/R -- 3 link front IRO springs rear with shackle relocation, one ton steering w/heims, hybrid cage under contruction, 33'' KM2's
Thanks guys, yea i decided somthing a little more low profile would be better, especially because Im going to be putting A/C back in the jeep in the summer so I need as much air passing through the radiator as possible. (Gotta keep the baby cool) haha
Yeah it's a goodthing, I kept mine in as well as the carpet. I'm thinking about dynomating the inside of the rear wheel wells(kinda noisey for an infant).
Ohhhh boy..its been awhile. After moving my entire life to WA, buying a new house, setting up the garage, getting settled into my new job... Ive finally been able to start playing with the jeep again and I know a few people wanted to see the progress on it so I thought Id finally start doing a little updating since I havent been around at all since life got a little crazy there for awhile.
i guess ill start off with the move...i got the truck all purdy since there was no way in hell I was going to be able to do it over in WA.
Found a bed on craigs and painted it, as you can see by the inside it used to be white.
lookin good
I was worried about the range i was going to get out of the truck with the stock 32gal tank, i had some peices sheared out and i welded up an aux tank that holds 31.5 gallons. Its plumbed into the main filler and uses a 12v selonoid valve with a switch to the cab so I can open it up and drain the aux tank when needed. This saved my ass coming through Chicago.
Morning I left CT for good.
First weekend in WA the PNWjeep meet and greet was going on in little Naches ORV so we hit that up, what a super great group of people.
It got pretty cold at night and my propane heater shit the bed so I bundled up my little trooper extra tight and she didnt bat an eye.
After living with the inlaws for about a month (which was more then i could possibly take) we finally settled on a house. i was sold once I saw the garage
went right to work just kinda building shelves and wiring more outlets for my welder etc.
Ample room to work with both main bays, then I use the side bay for all of the tools..i just wish that damn pole wasnt there.
98 Cherokee, D30/8.25 w/4.56s locked F/R -- 3 link front IRO springs rear with shackle relocation, one ton steering w/heims, hybrid cage under contruction, 33'' KM2's
i was itching to get some work done on the jeep since I hadnt touched a wrench in over 2 months..The first order of buisness was to get rid of rustys long arm setup, its been good but the flex joints completly suck.
Started with the crossmember, my numbers arent "perfect" but ive cycled the axle farther then it ever could with tires on it and I have zero binding and my pinion angle only changed about a degree through the cycle.
Used some angle and welded it to the stiffeners, welded nuts on the back side.
Trans mount is as simple as it gets, the upper and lowers both use 3/4'' heims and 1.5'' .250 wall DOM, the lowers are sleeved with 1.75'' .120 wall DOM for some extra rock protection
Axle mount is your standard 10 deg ruff stuff mount. theres no gusset on the right side yet because im undecided on a track bar and OTK steering setup yet.
I also did a rear quarter tuck since this mod didnt cost me any money. I think ive got it down pretty good now after a few cherokees.
A 4x4 poker run came up in Elbe Hills ORV (Thats right, ORV parks you goto and there are trails designated just for you!) it was a nice time to try out the 3-link, worked great. Didnt get a ton of ation shots since i didnt have a passenger to jump out and snap pics, had to pawn my camera off to people to take pics.
Start of the day
the poker run was basically a looooooong logging road but had some pretty deep snow in sections, we completed that it about 90 mins so we hit up some real trails for the rest of the day.
The top of Mt Rainer poking up over a ridge on sunrise trail, cant get this kinda view in CT.
The pic obviously doesnt do the hill and justice (never does)
I didnt get any pics of the good technical stuff, nobody was hopping out into the mud/snow haha. All together we wheeled about 20 or so miles which took about 5 hours. Everyone who knows what they are doing around here really seems to take recovery gear really seriously. Unlike back east where at worst you could walk a few miles in any direction you would hit someones backyard, here you really are in the middle of knowhere..with real animals
Snapped one last pic of Mt Rainier on the way home.
While I had a bigger garage it still didnt make it any easier to bend tube, I got tired of mounting the damn thing into the concrete and having limited options when bending long peices. A couple clicks to swag offroad and i finally bought their brackets to hookup a harbor freight air over hydraulic cylinder..i should have done this a loooooong time ago.
I also found a nice used Emglo 60gal air compressor on craigs, uses a 5hp motor, and a V-4 pump..Sumbitch moves 27CFM at 90 psi..I held a 1/2'' impact wide open and the compressor out ran it and topped the tank off...Puts my poor little craftsmen to shame
i put the setup right to work bending up some shock hoops, after raising the mounts on the axle alls ive done is bottom them out.
Still have to make the holes where the shocks pass through bigger and seal them off from the outside to keep from water getting in. but ill save that for another day. i hope everyone is doing well, Im going to try and post in more often now that im not running around with my head cutoff...
98 Cherokee, D30/8.25 w/4.56s locked F/R -- 3 link front IRO springs rear with shackle relocation, one ton steering w/heims, hybrid cage under contruction, 33'' KM2's
98 Cherokee, D30/8.25 w/4.56s locked F/R -- 3 link front IRO springs rear with shackle relocation, one ton steering w/heims, hybrid cage under contruction, 33'' KM2's