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Project: Turn-Key Idiot Machine

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  • #61
    Looks great!, those are some nice welds


    • #62
      Zullo if you need flat steel and such let me know i have a very good conection.

      Def looks very nice man im gonna have to grab an 18 pack and come check it out one night.
      Dizz dizz go sleep sleep

      Driver 4677 FSM vehicle


      • #63
        This things going to be a beast! Keep at it man Im not much of a mechanic or body man but can certainly be a helping hand if you need one. Let me know
        05 Black Rubicon


        • #64
          So i got a bunch done because the weather has been so nice.

          But, I started on my motor build and wanted to throw the details into here.

          Basically, my engine goal isn't to make as much power as possible, but rather to be able to run well and reliably at high rpm's. My goal with this buggy is to be able to run the RCrocs Race series. In a racing situation and with the gearing this truck will have (no overdrive) 65 mph will happen at around 5500 rpm. So it is crucial to make the engine reliable up to 6000 rpm, something i believe to be completely capable.

          I understand that this truck will be underpowered compared to most ultra4 rigs; but i do not have the money nor the means to be competitive in that series. That being said, i think that with the lack of long straightaways in the RC race's and the plethora of turns, this motor setup can be made to work. Designing the car and suspension to be able to corner well at speed and have enough torque to pick up out of the corners i feel is very important. If the only thing i need to be a modified class rig is a mechanical steering setup (which is the only thing keeping this thing in unlimited rules class) i will be seriously looking into changing from the original plan of using a full hydro setup. We will see, i'm kind of hoping we see a rules change there before i get to that point, which is coming pretty soon. so fingers crossed.

          Anyways, here's the guts:

          (Good link for anyone doing a 4.0L rebuild)

          pistons and rings for up to .040 over bore; rod, crank, and cam bearings; timing set; oil pump; freeze plug and gasket sets for $350

          basically what's going into the motor w/ prices:
          Roller rockers, studs, guideplates through summit- $395 retail
          the rebuild kit i posted above- $350
          Crane dual valve springs w/ retainers- $140
          10722 Intake valves- $84
          10721 Exhaust valves- $84
          Comp cam and lifters- $190

          Alitte over a $1200 on parts

          throw in $250 for the machining on the head.

          And it boils out to a pretty stoutly built 4.0L for only about $1500 on internals.

          I plan on making my own valve cover, oil pan, and exhaust manifold.

          The stock oil pan is a shitty design, the sump is so low towards the back of the motor it actually had a significant effect on how low i could mount the motor on chassis. So to get that weight as low as possible, i'm essentially going to build a shallower pan that extends farther forward to actually gain a quart of oil capacity and be able to lower the motor 2 inches in the chassis.

          I'll be posting pictures as the engine build progresses and i have some from the chassis progress to update on, so that'll come soon. I hope that detailing my engine build through all the steps can serve as a good tech reference as well
          Last edited by Zullock Holmes; 03-20-2012, 02:14 AM.
          No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

          ForSure Motorsports
          Win or Lose, We Booze.

          Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


          • #65
            ya know, i was down in milford yesterday and was thinking about trying to give ya a call to bullshit and check out how this thing was coming. good to see its coming along
            Originally posted by Ktmracer419
            some people choose video games
            some choose projects
            some choose welding random things together


            • #66
              Ohhh man!! you shoulda hit me up, i was at work during the day but i'm on break from school this week so i was home early.

              I always have a stock of beer out back there
              No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

              ForSure Motorsports
              Win or Lose, We Booze.

              Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


              • #67
                Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program


                • #68
                  Look at all the productivity



                  • #69
                    are you still drinking oktoberfest?

                    2012 Honda Accord - For DD/MPG Porpoises - Cooper Tire: Count on Cooper
                    2014 Granite Crystal WK2 Limited - Nitto Tire: Fueled by Enthusiasts

                    Poontang Pro 300EX 42" - For lawn porpoises
                    OG KOT #4736 Semper Sky Rock Racing/Standardbred Racing Designs 15.5 HP Turbo-Cool Craftsman, 6 Spd w/ crawl box, fat turf treads, Custom paint, and a red onzie


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Pedro View Post
                      are you still drinking oktoberfest?
                      Looks like either Boston Lager, Ale, or Cherry Wheat


                      • #71
                        Cherry Wheat, i'm addicted to it.

                        Thanks for posting the pic phil, i took some with my camera but i bent a and b pillars today after work, so i was gonna update this weekend.
                        No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

                        ForSure Motorsports
                        Win or Lose, We Booze.

                        Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


                        • #72
                          - Will

                          Originally posted by fizzy
                          or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                          Originally posted by DizzDizz
                          aliens probed my husband


                          • #73
                            - Will

                            Originally posted by fizzy
                            or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                            Originally posted by DizzDizz
                            aliens probed my husband


                            • #74
                              - Will

                              Originally posted by fizzy
                              or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                              Originally posted by DizzDizz
                              aliens probed my husband


                              • #75
                                shit'll be done. don't you fret.
                                No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

                                ForSure Motorsports
                                Win or Lose, We Booze.

                                Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers

