Good progress tonight, but we have to keep this pace up if we want it done before 2017.
My card reader died and its remains are in my driveway, I just found the cable for the camera, grinding/welding pics will come in the morning, I'm going to bed.
sigpic Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program
Got the new EFI manifold fitted up on the motor tonight and began designing mounting brackets for the fuel cell.
Huge thanks to Zach (Lycaon) for tracking me down a C6 Transmission for behind this bad boy and all the stuff to convert it over to injection. Gonna start drawing up some motor mounts and hopefully get the new drivetrain all set down in this thing.
With the shorter driveline i can get enough triangulation out of a 4 link up front to eliminate using a trackbar, so 3 link is out the window.
Got some more tube work to do this week too, keeping busy
No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.
ForSure Motorsports
Win or Lose, We Booze.
Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers
You dont see many ford engines put in these things noiceeee
98 Cherokee, D30/8.25 w/4.56s locked F/R -- 3 link front IRO springs rear with shackle relocation, one ton steering w/heims, hybrid cage under contruction, 33'' KM2's