the only thing i can really think of that really pisses me off is when you go to a fast food place or DD what ever and they take your order and even if the person on the other end repeats it back to you to make sure its right they still get it wrong.... like really..... you only have one job and thats to give me what i asked for and if you cant even do that right what can you do.
the only thing i can really think of that really pisses me off is when you go to a fast food place or DD what ever and they take your order and even if the person on the other end repeats it back to you to make sure its right they still get it wrong.... like really..... you only have one job and thats to give me what i asked for and if you cant even do that right what can you do.
I agree. That happens to me all the time. I check everything I get from a fast food place now to make sure, like its not hard to make a spicy chicken sandwich with only Mayo..
1. emo's
2. all movies with vampires and werewolves
3. Gays in public
4. people that drive jeeps, but are not jeep people
5. small people that think you should move, when they are 5'1 and you are 6'1/twice there weight.
6. people that have large boats(any boat really) and don't know how to use them. ( i work at a gas dock and people are so dumb)
7. People that don't Liston to you when you tell them exactly what to do, then slam their fiberglass hulls against a poll
8. when you tell someone there fuel tank is full, and they don't stop and diesel explodes into their face.
9. in general people that do things wrong
1. Anyone on the road except me. I seriously hate everyone, i'm never not pissed driving. There's always morons that ruin my day.
4. People who don't speak english when they can.
5. People who speak in another language to talk shit about you.
7. Being hot. Eff you heat!
9. Religious people. Not good.
EVERYTHING HERE!!!! the people who don't seem to get that route 9 goes 80 mph it just does you are the one fucking person who is doing 70 mph. I hope you drive into a ditch and your car rapes you.
2.I also hate people who say they do shit but then the next day you say "hey lets go do that shit you said you like to do yesterday" and they are like "I don't do that and I never said I did." FUCK YOU!!!
1. All aspects of my job.
2. When there is no food in my fridge, then when i return 5 mins later, it has failed to magically appear
Well, you spelled a lot of things wrong, do you hate yourself?
Sometimes, spell check is the downfall to man. i have learned that i don't need to know spelling, but i don't have spell check when typing in this text box. And i fixed it for you, to not be seen as a hypocrite.
i know the thread, it was directed at your comment. as in i didn't quite get it, chuckling while doing so
I know, its one of those things that troubles me more then it should and i really cant explain it. But its when a lady driving a jeep gives me a strange look and my jeep really is not that "extreme" if i may.