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The little things in life that piss you more then they probably should

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  • #16
    People who pass on the right when you're doing the speed limit or more on a two-lane road.

    Fucking ghetto rice Hondas. If black people could cook rice, it'd look like your car.
    2000 XJ: "The Black Jeep"
    MK2 Jetta > M3
    Chairman of the Chechnyan Space Program


    • #17
      Originally posted by Lawn Guyland View Post
      hahah...oh boy. i have a bunch...

      people who bring children into a restaurant and ignore them when they scream and cry and carry on
      x a million! Along with people who seat themselves and tell the hostess where they want to sit, so it fucks up the server rotation!

      Parents who let their kids make such a mess that when servers clean the table it takes 10min to get the pieces of spaghetti and broken crayons off the table and seats.

      when people touch or use my things without asking.
      "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but rising up everytime we fail."



      • #18
        Originally posted by Mel View Post

        Parents who let their kids make such a mess that when servers clean the table it takes 10min to get the pieces of spaghetti and broken crayons off the table and seats.

        That is how people with a limited set of Job skills keep their useless job. On that note I feel like taking my kids to Friendly's to let them scream, yell , and tear the place apart.


        • #19
          sometimes i get extremely angry over the wind.

          and people who stop at a 4-way stop way before me and wait until i pull up to my sign before they go. IM ON A FUCKING MILITARY BASE AND WILL LOSE MY LICENSE IF I DONT STOP. GTFO OF THE WAY!!

          usually these things are when i havent had much sleep.
          winng. all the goddamned time.



          • #20
            When you're flipping between two TV shows and both have commercials on at the same time.

            People who don't turn right on red when its legal.

            People who don't use their blinkers. Especially the ones who like to turn on a dime.

            As soon as I fix something on the jeep, something else has to break.
            Watch your backhoe, I'm the John Deere man.


            • #21
              People that get in my way when i need to be some where. It never fails that when you are running late or need to be some where fast there is every 90 yr old driver or student driver in front of you. Or a car accident or traffic.

              People who have no idea what the rules of the road are and how to follow them.

              people who say acrossed instead of across


              people who say, "so didn't i" or "so dont I" When the clearly mean, "do did i" or "so do i."

              This list could go on forever. I will stop here for now.

              Oh and i will add in real quick.

              My fail pod. (iPod)
              Lady bugs don't like it when you paint stripes on them

              2005 WK Limited 4.7 V8, Slightly Modded

              2006 Jeep Liberty Sport 2.8L CRD Diesel Stock


              • #22
                1. Anyone on the road except me. I seriously hate everyone, i'm never not pissed driving. There's always morons that ruin my day.

                2. People going the opposite way, taking a right hand turn in front of me, at the last second. I'm either driving my jeep, a 3500 dump or a 5500 dump. CAN YOU NOT SEE ANY OF THESE?

                3. People who walk down hallways or isles on the wrong side. You should always be walking down your right side of the isle. If you walk down your left, aka my right, i'm walking into you. Fuck you!

                4. People who don't speak english when they can.

                5. People who speak in another language to talk shit about you.

                6. Niggers. Don't have to be black.

                7. Being hot. Eff you heat!

                8. Rain.

                9. Religious people. Not good.

                10. People that look at people with tattoo's like they're scum bags.

                11. People who have power trips that think they're better than you.

                I can go on for days.


                • #23
                  I love everyone.


                  • #24
                    1. out of state drivers

                    2. emo kids

                    3. new music

                    4. pinjabs that own every package / convenience store around me

                    5. gooks that work at the casinos the refuse to learn english and live 20 to a house refusing the pay proper taxes and mooching off my tax dollar

                    6. fleas

                    7. people that ride harleys and feel like they CANT SMILE, like they have to be so bad ass when they ride, and they HAVE to wear a harley t-shirt or a shirt from a bike week they went to every time they ride.

                    8. Scientist, those fuckers always be lying, making me pissed
                    "when I'm riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive...when I stop riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive"


                    • #25
                      I hate it when your walking and someone is walking towards you and you move out of the way and the other person moves in the same direction and then they move back in the same direction and you play thing stupid fucking game. But it all happens in about .5 seconds.

                      And another...

                      Not being able to sell my POS Rustys trac bar for even a lousy $50.
                      Last edited by Kyle; 07-13-2010, 06:29 PM.
                      Lady bugs don't like it when you paint stripes on them

                      2005 WK Limited 4.7 V8, Slightly Modded

                      2006 Jeep Liberty Sport 2.8L CRD Diesel Stock


                      • #26
                        fat kids
                        getting the run around from people
                        people changing lanes without a signal
                        I once had a 93 XJ, 4.5" o' lift, 33" TSL Super Swampers, 8.25 rear Detroit locked. 2,000 Lb Steering. Custom rockers, Sam's old Bumpah. Cherry Bomb BITCH. SOLD

                        Fight Team

                        Official HMC Girlie


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by SwampThing View Post
                          Fucking ghetto rice Hondas. If black people could cook rice, it'd look like your car.
                          THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS.
                          putting those godamn mufflers on a little shitbox is like the grown-up version of putting a baseball card in your bike spokes when you're five...except much much worse.

                          also, dumb questions like, 'is that your boyfriend's jeep?' and 'does that hurt?'
                          erika. sweat and dirt;

                          00 xj & 93 yj.


                          • #28
                            - Boston Red Sox fans, anything even just wearing a hat, i will smite your exsistance.
                            - people going slow in the fast lane
                            - watching people merge onto the highway
                            - black people that act like either a. i owe them something or b. ghetto ass nigger shit, like blatantly loud and acting like uncivilized baffoons.
                            - asian people that i can't understand, and always buy the cheapest thing, even when i try for 10 minutes to sell them something good.
                            - people that get things handed to them
                            - hux's mazda miata
                            - liquor stores not open on sunday or after 9
                            - Rustys OffRoad
                            - overcooked meats
                            - most interracial relationships
                            - finding out theres no mozzarella left
                            - people that have dogs but do not take care of them..... fuck cats.
                            - Girls with no respect for themselves... aka flavored vodka drinking sluts that let any guy with a fake tan and a semi errect penis pound their hole into submission in the bathroom of a club.

                            thats pretty much it. But all in all though, i don't think anyone here has ever seen me truly pissed off, it doesnt happen too often

                            adding this cause it happened today....

                            106.9's addiction to talking and commercials
                            also when 104.1 and 106.9 play the same shitty song at the same time. then my life is ruined.
                            Last edited by Zullock Holmes; 07-13-2010, 07:32 PM.
                            No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

                            ForSure Motorsports
                            Win or Lose, We Booze.

                            Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


                            • #29
                              Teletubbies I hate fucking teletubbies. I hate them so much I might be a tubbiephobe.
                              92 XJ 4 1/2" SkyJacker hybrid lift, 2 1/2" leafs, adj. shackle, JKS discos, T-case drop, braided hoses, adj t/b, 31x10.50 Cooper STT's and black steelies, D30 and 8.25.


                              • #30
                                1. One uppers. We get it, you are the coolest mother fucker in the world, now shut the fuck up.
                                2. The bad driving ones have already been said.
                                3. Jersey guidos
                                4. The fact that I cannot plow megan fox, kiera knightly, carrie underwood, blake lively, and jessica alba
                                5. People who have an album on facebook with the word "SHITSHOW" in it. also people who have to make it known that they drank 450 beers last night. I remember my first beer
                                6. Jimmy Buffet. Get the fuck off the island dude.
                                7. Angry music. I listen to Country music, sorry
                                8. Ricers.
                                9. Russian Landscapers. If you ask me "how much this" again, I'm kicking you out.
                                10. pizza cutter tires (CB3, go fuck yourself)

                                I think thats it for now

                                97 TJ that I think is pretty neat.

