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The little things in life that piss you more then they probably should

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  • #46
    Originally posted by cherokee-at-16 View Post
    I know, its one of those things that troubles me more then it should and i really cant explain it. But its when a lady driving a jeep gives me a strange look and my jeep really is not that "extreme" if i may.
    "when I'm riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive...when I stop riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive"


    • #47
      Originally posted by CumminsJeep View Post
      6. Jimmy Buffet. Get the fuck off the island dude.
      you. fucking really dude????

      i garuntee you.... go to a jimmy buffet concert and you will think the complete opposite. i would also like to state for the record, that i love jimmy buffet music and radio margaritaville
      No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

      ForSure Motorsports
      Win or Lose, We Booze.

      Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


      • #48
        Originally posted by cherokee-at-16 View Post
        5. small people that think you should move, when they are 5'1 and you are 6'1/twice there weight.
        i'm 5'1..on a good day..
        erika. sweat and dirt;

        00 xj & 93 yj.


        • #49
          I'm all for bitching and moaning, but this thread is a little over the top.


          • #50
            Originally posted by TheNextSpanky View Post
            you. fucking really dude????

            i garuntee you.... go to a jimmy buffet concert and you will think the complete opposite. i would also like to state for the record, that i love jimmy buffet music and radio margaritaville
            BAHAHA I said that just because of you Zullo. I am still trying to get tickets to a Jimmy Buffet concert so whenever you're ready, LETS GO!

            97 TJ that I think is pretty neat.


            • #51
              1) Black people that take our hot white women, take the fucking fat ones but leave us the hot ones for christ's sake. We're not trying to hump your fat sister you lazy fuck, quit trying to hump mine.
              2) White girls that have dated black men, your tainted, move along.
              3) People that don't know what the fuck to do in rotaries like the one in the capital area in Hartford if that could be considered a rotary
              4) Humidity, when the fuck is that shit gonna end here, seriously i'm sick of back sweat.
              5) Pretentious girls that think their shit doesn't stink. I've got news for you, your shit doesn't smell like flowers, these girls should be engulfed in semen.
              6) People that drive slow in the fast lane then, then when I am forced to pass them in the right then they speed up as to not let me in? Move the fuck over or slow the fuck down when I pass you on the right because you made me.
              7) The girl that sits over the wall from me that talks in acronyms, like OMG, just say oh my god you idiot.
              8) People that come into my bar on Thursday night when drinks are buy one get one free from 9-12 and they want a $5 call drink after they ordered a $3 draft beer. You don't buy a flank steak and get a filet mignon for free at the grocery story, what makes you think it works any different in my bar? Take your free drink and shut your face.
              9) When my dog whimpers to go out at 5 a.m. when he knows d*mn well i'm not getting out of bed to take him out until at least 7.
              10) When prior mentioned dog takes up most of the bed.
              11) Car taxes, if were gonna pay them in Connecticut everyone in the god damn U.S. should be paying them too. What makes Florida so special that they don't have to pay them?
              12) Airport security, we might as well all fly naked, this way there would be no more questions asked and no more checking in 2 hours before your flight just to get through security.
              13) When it's beautiful outside all week when I'm at work and then it rains all weekend when I'm off.
              Last edited by Bluewarrior7; 07-14-2010, 08:19 AM.
              06 Wrangler TJ 6 Speed 4" Rough Country Lift on BF Goodrich 33's.


              • #52
                Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program


                • #53
                  1. My bronco
                  2. My girlfriend
                  3. You people that are angry about everything
                  2 Broncos are better than 1


                  • #54
                    1. It is not what you do it is how you do it.
                    2. It is not what you say it is how you say it.
                    3. Customers who say it doesn't matter... when it does.
                    4. Customers who are never wrong. (Yes sometimes it is YOUR FAULT!)
                    5. Superiority complex.
                    6. People who only think about themself.( I however am guilty of this more often than I like.)
                    7. I hate people who never do any thing wrong. It is always someone elses fault.
                    8. Girls who put themselves down be cause they are "big" or "bigger" when they are the nicest people you wil meet.

                    That is it for now. I will keep the rest to myself. I feel like i am bitching... oh and that is another one.

                    9. Bitching.
                    2013 F150 fx4 (Tow Pig/DD)
                    • 5.0 with the 3.73 option

                    2003 TJ Rubicon
                    • 4.0/42rle/np241or
                    • 5.13's
                    • 3" Savvy/Currie suspension with acos
                    • 33” BFG KO2s


                    • #55
                      1) Hot Dip... It's supposed to be cold people.
                      2) Hot Pop-Tarts... See above reasoning.
                      3) Really fat women....They're worse than dead.

                      ever since I created "life rules" not much pisses me off.
                      You people should try it...You all need a PMA. (positive mental attitude)
                      Is it egg nog season yet?


                      • #56
                        Oh, and Nicole...
                        Seriously, TV Guide? It's 2010...
                        do you also use a franklin planner!?

                        Is it egg nog season yet?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Riot View Post
                          Oh, and Nicole...
                          Seriously, TV Guide? It's 2010...
                          do you also use a franklin planner!?

                          the tv guide on the television...

                          and i do use a planner, thank you very much.
                          mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
                          2022 JL Rubicon

                          Originally posted by hoggie101
                          and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Riot View Post
                            ever since I created "life rules" not much pisses me off.
                            You people should try it...You all need a PMA. (positive mental attitude)
                            This. I totally agree. While the things I listed do piss me off I just say "Whatever" or "stuff happens."
                            Last edited by SupermanIce-J; 07-14-2010, 12:04 PM.
                            2013 F150 fx4 (Tow Pig/DD)
                            • 5.0 with the 3.73 option

                            2003 TJ Rubicon
                            • 4.0/42rle/np241or
                            • 5.13's
                            • 3" Savvy/Currie suspension with acos
                            • 33” BFG KO2s


                            • #59
                              I did forget one thing, that I can't seem to positive mental attitude out of...

                              FUCKING Funeral processions on the grounds that they're fucking stupid and I hate fucking stupid.
                              Is it egg nog season yet?


                              • #60
                                cutting out tires in photoshop

                                75% of all jobs i do end up with me cutting out or selecting a tire in photoshop

                                tedious mind numbing pain!! ;dfgheru;oghtj;o
                                - Will

                                Originally posted by fizzy
                                or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                                Originally posted by DizzDizz
                                aliens probed my husband

