Yea i get it, but maybe off of what people say in here could be a good thing for the direction it should go ya know?
Ask Bruce how many people actually buy shirts, i know he is always trying to give them away, and if i had to bet the majority of the sold ones go the older crowd.
The thing people never think of(and im not saying you) is generations are changing, the 60 and 70s crowd is getting older and younger generations are getting into all this stuff, hence where all the "bros" and "Flat Billers" are coming from. Everyone has to adapt to change and not get stuck behind with the old times.
If all those shirts were designed differently with more of a DC, Quick Silver, Roxy, Ethnics design I would def buy them and I dont think that i fit into that "bro" crowd at all. I just like the design a lot better.
Are you picking up what im layin down? Im not bashing your design
I suggest pulling the website off the front and leaving it only on the back. Also, the back wording is backwards. I mean I understand it, but there are people out there that over analyze everything. Good design. With a few changes, shit will be mint
Originally posted by HitItWithSomeSpeed
didnt this thread start with Jon being gay? what happened to that?
Originally posted by Lawn Guyland
he's still gay we've just moved on to more important issues
Originally posted by Zullius Caesar
i grab dude's junk all the time, doesn't make me gay.
"Watching you work on your Jeep is like watching a doctor operate on a cadaver...
It may be good practice, but in the end it won't do much good." -My Mother.
i was told to stray from an rcrocs focus for this years design, they just want a park shirt
but that was a good design and for the most part simple. Just do the park name thing on the front, cool letters, good colors; move the website to the back, bottom would be best.
And change around the graphics on the back.... put the rolled jeep under "rocks bite" and move the awesome ownage of rocks by buggy/heavymetal/FJ cruiser under the "Bite back"
No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.
ForSure Motorsports
Win or Lose, We Booze.
Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers
i like it, but i think my ocd about numbers being even is kicking in lol three jeeps on the top one on the bottom is bothering me haha i hate my quirksssss