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Battle Wounds

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  • #76
    wrecked a motorcycle and broke all my toes in my left foot and broke my pinkie
    got my nose broke in a fight ( i won the fight though )
    was running across the top of money bars ( stupid right) and fell through, smoked my head and got a concussion.
    was running and fell into the corner of a chimney , split my head open, 40ish stitches .

    thats about it, nothing really serious.


    • #77
      broke a rib in a car accident
      cracked my head open when i was a kid rollin off the bed into a dresser corner when i was asleep
      took some chunks off my kneecap ridin a dirtbike on the road and fallin off in shorts
      thats pretty much it i think. i got a bunch of scars all over but i can't remember where they came from
      2 tj's
      3 yj's
      2 xj's
      i'm a jeep whore

      "id walk 6 hours one way to suck a fart out of megan fox's ass"


      • #78
        Originally posted by whitekee99 View Post
        never knew lacrosse was so popular. everyone out here plays soccer and football
        I never knew either until I moved to the east coast. We always thought it was a mythical sport that was made up. Then I moved to Maryland and all the true bros were lacrosse players.
        You better decide if you are hanging on the cross, or banging in the nails


        • #79
          Guess Ill play now:

          Wrecked a mountain bike going down a massive gravel hill. Hit a big rock, flipped over the handle bars tore my left knee up pretty bad. Ripped all the skin off, could see the bone.

          When I was 5 I dressed up like a ninja turtle(rapheal to be exact) I took my sies and attacked my dog. Just when I thought I had the upper hand she lunged up and bit my lip. I had a big hole in my lip for a long time and everytime I had purple drank is turned to a purple hole.

          Was wakeboarding, did a back flip wiped out and hit a branch, slit my thigh open.

          53% of my body has burn scars. most are 3rd degree burns.

          Never had a broken bone though

          Oh, forgot one of my funniest ones.

          Me and my buddy were racing our four wheelers to the end of a field and I cut through his back yard thinking I could get the upper edge on him. Well his clothes line blended in with the grass because it was green. I hit it at about 50 right across my face. My bottom lip was pretty much hanging off and I had a huge cut on my upper lip.
          Last edited by Saharicon; 03-03-2010, 06:04 AM.
          You better decide if you are hanging on the cross, or banging in the nails


          • #80
            split my head open slipping on a rock fishing, broken collar bone playing kickball, burned my hand hammered with fire crackers, lots of stitches and staples through the years
            I once had a 93 XJ, 4.5" o' lift, 33" TSL Super Swampers, 8.25 rear Detroit locked. 2,000 Lb Steering. Custom rockers, Sam's old Bumpah. Cherry Bomb BITCH. SOLD

            Fight Team

            Official HMC Girlie


            • #81
              2 colla bones, each side, never broken any other bone in my life.

              i have a sweet scar on my left wrist from road rash.

              i have raced dirtbikes for several years and dumped a billiondy times and always landed gracefully though. nothing more than bruises


              • #82
                Like Sam here I raced dirtbikes for years and have had many spectacular getoff's
                Resulting in 37 left shoulder dislocations..(I kept racing to win the championship and just dealt with it)
                3 right shoulder dislocation
                3 shoulder suguries
                3rd degree burn on my right arm when I was a kid
                exploded my pinkie toe off my left foot while racing (it was re-attached)
                A few knee contusions where ur knee fills with fluid
                1 bad concussion
                20 stiches in the right butt cheek from going through a glass coffee table
                A few stiches inmy hand and forehead.
                98 Cherokee, D30/8.25 w/4.56s locked F/R -- 3 link front IRO springs rear with shackle relocation, one ton steering w/heims, hybrid cage under contruction, 33'' KM2's


                • #83
                  oohh i forgot i got bit by a dog when i was a kid...she wanted the doughnut i was eating. being petted just wasnt good enough for her. silly duchess
                  2009 silver JK - destination beachy jeep
                  J10 project do want.
                  "attack life. its just going to kill you anyway"


                  • #84
                    when i was 2 i was dropped on a microwave

                    in before "that explains alot"


                    • #85
                      Have a scar across my stomach from surgery at 4 months old that makes me have a halfey belly button from the scar tissue. I was born with a section of my intestines looking like someone stepped on a garden hose.

                      When the Varsity club was still in existence, my buddy found my unconscious on the bottom of the half pipe and my helmet missing. I woke up 20 minutes later sitting in a room with my mother in the dark and a horrible headache and concussion.

                      Have a scar down my left forearm from ripping open a zippo package and it slicing me like an attention whore faking suicide

                      I have a lot of miscelaneous scars and such from inline skating and such, but I think becuase of my "low cog" I normally survive with just bumps and bruises


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Ktmracer419 View Post
                        when i was 2 i was dropped on a microwave

                        in before "that explains alot"
                        i fell off a roof onto a window airconditioner....

                        2009 silver JK - destination beachy jeep
                        J10 project do want.
                        "attack life. its just going to kill you anyway"


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Quartney View Post
                          i fell off a roof onto a window airconditioner....

                          Now THAT explains a lot.

                          Lamp. It's a Lamp.
                          Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Buffalo Phil View Post
                            Now THAT explains a lot.

                            Lamp. It's a Lamp.

                            IKNOWITSALAMPPHIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

                            funniest moment we ever had was that hahahahha

                            and i did this after the lamp incident.
                            2009 silver JK - destination beachy jeep
                            J10 project do want.
                            "attack life. its just going to kill you anyway"


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Mighty Quine View Post
                              split my head open slipping on a rock fishing, broken collar bone playing kickball, burned my hand hammered with fire crackers, lots of stitches and staples through the years
                              playing some hardcore kickball there ya?
                              Originally posted by XJLI
                              never say, or think, that your jeep is running good.

                              ^known from experience on more than one occasion

                              99 cherokee- 31s on 2"-ish, teraflex disc conversion
                              eh that's all at the moment


                              • #90
                                Fell 30 feet off a cliff, landed on my feet and shattered a heelbone. Couldn't walk for 4 months.

