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Battle Wounds

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  • Battle Wounds

    Weve probably had a thread like this before but talking about sams collar bones sparked this

    whats your worst "accidents"?

    i did a backflip and knocked myself unconscious in a pool once

    got 2nd degree burns on my arms as a toddler

    and sprained my ankle falling down steps at the park

    no broken bone stories, or stitches besides stuff cut off for skin cancer scare kinda things

    whats your worst ones???
    2009 silver JK - destination beachy jeep
    J10 project do want.
    "attack life. its just going to kill you anyway"

  • #2
    never broken a bone...but..

    my brother closed a george foreman grill by accident on my i have a scar on my left other brother closed a pair of grill tongs on my finger when we were i have a scar there...

    when i was ice skating years ago i cut my ankle badly and have a scar there

    my knee is all sorts of fucked from playing lacrosse years ago but there's no marks or anything on the outside

    i was in a car accident in 2002 and dislocated my shoulder and did some damage to my back too

    oh and i sprained my ankle and hand too
    mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
    2022 JL Rubicon

    Originally posted by hoggie101
    and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


    • #3
      Two 2nd degree burns on each arm from a 150psi low pressure steam line from my last ship. Instantly cordorized then infected. Almost got discharged off the ship for it

      Broke my thumb as a kid

      Broke my toe on this ship, buddy dropped a flashlight on it

      Stitches in thumb

      Torn ligament in hand

      Not too bad of a life
      I don't always drink orange juice, but when I do, I prefer to chew it. #madpulp


      • #4
        Hand on stove when I was like 4.

        Broken arm in soccer because a fat ass fell on me.

        Broken arm on a trampoline because I was being retarded.

        Tore ligaments in my knee skiing.

        Not quite as 4 serious... but had to go to ER still.
        cut my finger open smashing a computer
        nose injury mountain biking when I was really young, but didn't break it.
        Last edited by BOX; 03-02-2010, 02:43 PM.
        99 Dub Ya Jay

        My Adventures Thread


        • #5
          i took an RPG to the head once
          - Will

          Originally posted by fizzy
          or am asians pants not a read end lol.
          Originally posted by DizzDizz
          aliens probed my husband


          • #6
            in a car accident- broke my shoulder in three places and got a 12" laceration in my armpit.
            while fishing- fell in mud, sliced leg open on barnacle- 13 stitches
            sitting on trunk of car- friend drove off- 8 staples in head
            mounting overhead dvd screen- sliced finger on sheet metal- 9 stitches in a corkscrew shape

            I think there was more when I was younger but don't remember.
            I need the 4.0L!!!!!!!!!!!


            • #7
              i like the reasonings behind some of those

              "because a fat ass fell on me"

              "because i was being retarded"
              2009 silver JK - destination beachy jeep
              J10 project do want.
              "attack life. its just going to kill you anyway"


              • #8

                broken foot from football
                broken ankle from walking drunk in mud
                couple broken toes
                broken about every finger except thumbs
                14 bolt chopped and mutilated a pointer finger
                fractured arm from racing
                cracked knee cap last year from bmx (that was a weird feeling)
                im sure there are some others
                Originally posted by Ktmracer419
                some people choose video games
                some choose projects
                some choose welding random things together


                • #9
                  when i was in second grade i cut my arm on a saw, 8 stitches

                  thats about it


                  • #10
                    Broke my left collar bone 3 times
                    my right collar bone 2 times
                    right arm above my elbow once
                    most of my lower ribs on both side
                    3 fingers
                    most of my toes

                    5 stitches in my nose
                    4 stitches in my left knee
                    6 stitches in my right thumb
                    4 stitches in my right elbow

                    Drill bit in the left side of my thumb and it came out the right side lifting all the tendons and muscle.

                    thats about it I think.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Nick View Post
                      when i was in second grade i cut my arm on a saw, 8 stitches

                      thats about it
                      dont lie, you tried to kill will and he chopped your arm off
                      mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
                      2022 JL Rubicon

                      Originally posted by hoggie101
                      and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


                      • #12
                        Too many not going into it i dont have a day to type
                        1996 xj, waggy 44 front 5.13 gears aussie trussed, 3 links, 3.5" coils, spooled 8.8 rear, 38" tsl sx's, tnt front bumper, jesus freaks rear bumper, Olympic top hat roof rack, bunch of dumb shit
                        2001 wj tbd
                        1974 5 ton


                        • #13
                          i have a LONG list, hahahaha i have had so many head injuries i have to have a cat scan every time now

                          -knocked myself out for 30 min (nose dived a large table)
                          -broke wrists x amount of times
                          -broke coller bone (to avoid small kid crawling up the landing of a jump)
                          -a few concussions (cased the deck of a 12 foot half pipe)
                          -fucked up my face
                          -tore shit in my arm, caused me to have 2 surgeries and have a muscle moved

                          - hit a tree in the woods comming off a jump, split face open from inside nose to lip, you could see my teeth with my mouth closed (got a concussion)
                          -stiches in shin a few times
                          -grinding a ledge over stairs i fell about 7 feet to my face, busted my face open, put a hole in my ear from sliding face first on the pavement (got concussion)
                          -manualing a ledge down stairs, split forehead open, teeth through lip ect. (got a concussion)
                          random other shit, countless small stuff

                          -3rd degree burns on my arms
                          -hit a deer on my motorcycle (thought i was going to die), got road rash, bruised -lung/ribs and split some toes in half (got concussion)
                          -broke foot in a front flip gone wrong

                          "when I'm riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive...when I stop riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Lawn Guyland View Post
                            dont lie, you tried to kill will and he chopped your arm off
                            we don't discuss this incident. learn the rules.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Nick View Post
                              we don't discuss this incident. learn the rules.

                              i cant wait for will's face this weekend when he gets his gift
                              mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
                              2022 JL Rubicon

                              Originally posted by hoggie101
                              and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year

