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Battle Wounds

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  • #91
    I'll only mension the "what i think" is the worst because this list would go on forever if i said all the bad ones.

    Two weeks after landing my first backflip (on ramp, not foam) I went to skaters edge in tauton mass to practice them a little more and ride with some friends. 10 minutes into my warm up I dropped into a quarter (on left of picture by large redpadded post) went right and aired out of the huge vertwall on the right. As it was a warmup and not a big deal to me at the time i wasn't paying enough attention and clipped my back tire on the copping (top) of the vertwall (shown by red arrow) and went strait down to flat on my face.

    The ramp

    The damage.
    - 3 broken teeth (later resulted in 4)
    - Major concusion
    - Short term memory loss
    - 3 months of memory completely whipped out of my life
    - 14 stitches
    - 2 1/2 years worth of surgery

    I was a
    Last edited by Pdwighty; 03-07-2010, 09:17 AM.


    • #92
      omg. ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

      id be more than a id be a freaking out hysterical
      2009 silver JK - destination beachy jeep
      J10 project do want.
      "attack life. its just going to kill you anyway"


      • #93
        All I want for christmas is half my jawline back.

        That sucks though dude. I shall cherish my teeth and not go to a skate park.
        Official Space Shuttle Door Gunner of the Chechnyan Space Program


        • #94
          do not want...
          mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
          2022 JL Rubicon

          Originally posted by hoggie101
          and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


          • #95
            broken nose -got hit with a golf club by accident
            broken eye socket- got head butted by my pitbull playing in backyard
            broke my right foot twice -playing B-ball
            broke my left foot once -got in a fight and kicked someone just a little too hard
            broke my left ankle 3 years said it wasnt broken until they looked at the MRI, then they said they had to rebreak it cause it healed wrong...go figure!
            when i was five years old i jumped off couch at my grandparents house and hit the glass coffee table and it broke into a piece 6 inches long that when i fell down on it the piece went right up my chin into the roof of my mouth
            busted my forehead on ice playing hockey-10 stitches
            jumping a fence got my hand caught on something-6 stitches
            tossed an old paint can in the garbage the handle came undone and caught the underside of my index finger and ripped the tendon right out- 4 stitches
            many many concussions from skatebording
            2 car accidents
            99 XJ on tons and 40s....


            • #96
              Originally posted by Pdwighty View Post
              I'll only mension the "what i think" is the worst because this list would go on forever if i said all the bad ones.

              Two weeks after landing my first backflip (on ramp, not foam) I went to skaters edge in tauton mass to practice them a little more and ride with some friends. 10 minutes into my warm up I dropped into a quarter (on left of picture by large redpadded post) went right and aired out of the huge vertwall on the right. As it was a warmup and not a big deal to me at the time i wasn't paying enough attention and clipped my back tire on the copping (top) of the vertwall (shown by red arrow) and went strait down to flat on my face.

              The ramp

              The damage.
              - 3 broken teeth (later resulted in 4)
              - Major concusion
              - Short term memory loss
              - 3 months of memory completely whipped out of my life
              - 14 stitches
              - 2 1/2 years worth of surgery

              I was a
              dude...that looked really painful.....OUCH
              99 XJ on tons and 40s....


              • #97
                i got:
                4 stiches twice in the same place
                permanently broken collarbone
                both pinky fingers broken (still look that way)
                2 broken knees
                reconstructive knee surgery
                2 stiches in lip
                knocked out at kid's playground.

                that's all i can remember right now
                94 xj 4.0L, AW4, 242
                3" rusty's lift, 33x12.5 bfg km2's, custom front bumper


                • #98
                  My battle wounds have not been significant...knock on wood.

                  Twisted my knee playing softball
                  Bad sprain and pulled tendon in my ankle because of softball
                  "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but rising up everytime we fail."



                  • #99
                    -Broke my collar bone while sledding, went off a jump landed on ice and knocked myself out as well.
                    -2nd degree burns on my hand from micorwave pizza cheese.
                    -Ripped the nail off my thumb bmx racing that nail will never be the same.
                    -Nasty road rash on hands, knees and back from a long boarding accident.
                    -Hit myself in the head with the claw end of a hammer building my brother a tree house, nice scar right above my eye.
                    99 TJ 4cyl, 4" short arm, 33" MTZ's, JKS quick discos, smittybilt front, rear & rockers

                    Work to be done: Clayton long arm, ford 8.8 rear locker & 1 ton


                    • Gotta watch out for that Magma cheese.
                      1993 XJ sport 3.5" rustys 33" MTZ's armored.
                      1999 sierra
                      1967 M725 Big and Slow


                      • Originally posted by Buffalo Phil View Post
                        All I want for christmas is half my jawline back.

                        That sucks though dude. I shall cherish my teeth and not go to a skate park.
                        i actually did ask for my front teeth that christmas...

                        santa said $20,000 pay up or you shall never again

                        back on the bike tho, this time with mouthgaurd for the grill


                        • i still cant get over how painful that seems. just holy f'ing hell.

                          i can barely even look and i normally have no trouble looking at afghanis with their heads blown wide open from 7.62

                          TEETH PAIN
                          - Will

                          Originally posted by fizzy
                          or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                          Originally posted by DizzDizz
                          aliens probed my husband


                          • <-thats not drool

                            its mouth injury with pain killars!!! give me MOAR!!!

                            oh and i hate looking at those pictures... never again


                            • Originally posted by HeavyMetal View Post
                              i still cant get over how painful that seems. just holy f'ing hell.

                              i can barely even look and i normally have no trouble looking at afghanis with their heads blown wide open from 7.62

                              TEETH PAIN
                              this is true...i watched will cringe for about 5 mins the other night while he looked at those pics
                              mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
                              2022 JL Rubicon

                              Originally posted by hoggie101
                              and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


                              • I dont really keep track of my wounds, but I had a few stitches in my head from my bikes handlebar and a little road in my face.

