I'll only mension the "what i think" is the worst because this list would go on forever if i said all the bad ones.
Two weeks after landing my first backflip (on ramp, not foam) I went to skaters edge in tauton mass to practice them a little more and ride with some friends. 10 minutes into my warm up I dropped into a quarter (on left of picture by large redpadded post) went right and aired out of the huge vertwall on the right. As it was a warmup and not a big deal to me at the time i wasn't paying enough attention and clipped my back tire on the copping (top) of the vertwall (shown by red arrow) and went strait down to flat on my face.

The ramp

The damage.
- 3 broken teeth (later resulted in 4)
- Major concusion
- Short term memory loss
- 3 months of memory completely whipped out of my life
- 14 stitches
- 2 1/2 years worth of surgery

I was a
Two weeks after landing my first backflip (on ramp, not foam) I went to skaters edge in tauton mass to practice them a little more and ride with some friends. 10 minutes into my warm up I dropped into a quarter (on left of picture by large redpadded post) went right and aired out of the huge vertwall on the right. As it was a warmup and not a big deal to me at the time i wasn't paying enough attention and clipped my back tire on the copping (top) of the vertwall (shown by red arrow) and went strait down to flat on my face.

The ramp

The damage.
- 3 broken teeth (later resulted in 4)
- Major concusion
- Short term memory loss
- 3 months of memory completely whipped out of my life
- 14 stitches
- 2 1/2 years worth of surgery

I was a
