Gotta do the green corners on the header panel black though.
goddamn it i can't believe someone called me on that haha. Ill do them i just got tired of spraying. And you will be glad to know I had someone more patient than me tape up the blinging gold jeep emblem so its still gold and the trail rated one is good still too.
Ordered some AlloyUSA X joints for 33 bucks a pop with free shipping and it equaled out to just about the same as a 760 with shipping so i need to throw those on a set of shafts and swap them in.
Put in a 97+ dual diaphragm brake booster and matching master cylinder. Turns out the booster rod is too long causing my brakes to drag slightly and spacing it out leaves very minimal thread engagement. So I am going to cut the rod and weld it at the proper length and probably add some overkill over the weld just because .
Also was sick of my paint not matching so I decided since I am now in Utah and the desert is right here why not Desert tan?
I know i already told you how much ass you would get with that on AIM, but it really looks awesome dude! Utah MRAP expedition vehicle
You better decide if you are hanging on the cross, or banging in the nails