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Project- Not So CHEEP 1 ton XJ

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  • Project- Not So CHEEP 1 ton XJ

    -----posting everything from old forum over here------

    so the new plan for my red jeep is to keep it in running/moving condition while i build my d60 front and find a 14 bolt rear.
    so here is teh list of things i need to do to it.

    stiffen the unibody
    interior cage
    long arms
    d60 front
    14 bolt rear
    raise the gas tank through the rear floor.

    this is going to be a slow build as it takes alot of money to build things properly.
    ive learned ALOT through the 2 jeeps ive gone through. and im pretty excited to get some actual axles under this beast.

    ill get some pics up later of the d60 i picked up, and in a couple weeks ill probably have a lil progress on the build up of it.

    mmmmm.... tasty....

    started to get to work on this thing.

    Question- Anyone know wats the best way to add an upper link on the drivers side??
    Ive been looking around to find a bridge to build over the housing, but no luck.....

    so i got bored this morning and decided to go out and make some unibody stiffeners

    its 3x3 angle 3/16s thick that i picked up for free courtesy of millstone nuke plant
    probably radioactive or something, if your wondering why a couple of the wholes are located different on each side, its cuz my unibody was to bashed in so i had to drill wholes where i could get a good weld to.

    also started work on a crossmember, basicly going to be something like claytons crossmember, nothin fancy

    mk.... so i need opinion/ideas

    well first off, my good luck has run up with teh rear end of my jeep after this weekend.
    here is the list.

    axle tube spun a couple degrees
    leaf springs snape'd
    and now my rear shackle bolt wont come out cuz the welded nut broke off on teh insode of the frame

    i got it all ripped apart, and am figuring i might as well beef it up a bit.

    here is my plan,
    1.) first remove the gas tank and relocate it through the floor by cutting a whole in the floor and welding a stock gas tank skid in from the top. then relocate the tank into the skid plate and building a box ontop of it. this way i wont have to worry bout the tank anymore

    2.) next i want to cut the stock shackle mounts off the frame and plate the unibody with the left over angle iron i have from the frame stiffeners.

    3.) then i will build a new shackle box that will lower the shackle by about 1 inch and will be way more heavy duty then the sheet metal that is on there now, this way i wont have to worry about the damn nut breaking off of the frame again. it will also allow me to use 3 inch springs instead of the 4.5 that are on it now.

    4.) i wana make some cage tie in plates for a later time that will be built off the shackle box and plated frame

    5.) i think im going to weld the tubes on the 29 spline the way it sits now, and move the leaf perches so they are at the same degree angle. i dont see any way to twist the axle tubes back, so this seems liek an easy alternative.

    6.) get the rear end back together and go have fun

    i want to start on a ladder bar as well to help control my axle wrap, so i can save some driveshafts but dont feel like mounting it on the 8.25

    if anyone has any good ideas to add/modify my list let me know and im open for ideas. i really just wana do it right now, so i dont have to do it agian.

    about teh cage tie in.... the frame would be boxed all teh way around at that point, and basicly a plate welded across the section for a strong mount.... this would mainly be if i did an interior cage, which i havent decided about, but figured i would weld it on there now, compared to doin it later.. obviously if i did an exo the cage would be mounted onto the bumper and this would give me a chance to moutn the bumper to the boxed section.....

    kinda hard to explain but i can vision it in my head.....

    yup.... so here is my beautiful snape'd

    and here is the big whole in my floor
    gas tank skid fitted in

    mmkay, update time.

    i fucked my car up the other day so this project went into overdrive and im happy where im at now.

    - i got the rear of the unibody plated and the leaf mounts boxed aswell.
    - put 3 inch leaf packs in the rear, sits a lil unlevel, but im happy with it
    - welded the axle tubes on the rear axle
    - cut teh leaf perches off then rewelded them on so they are even
    - cut the shock mounts off and moved the shocks up, now using stock rear shocks
    - welded the gas tank skid in, ratchet strapped the gas tank in the rear
    - did a bunch of little time consuming shit

    i still gotta build a box over the gas tank and seal it up with greatstuff, cuz my exhaust dump right before my axle and it comes right into the cab, and having the windows down isnt allways going to be an option.

    I also registered it and its my daily driver again. =]

    sits about 2 inches lower

    ----Update - 2/16/09----

    basicly just been doing maintnence to it,
    -filled the whole in the rear with greatsuff to keep heat in and noise/exhaust out.
    -all new radiator/cooling system parts
    -found a matching rear i gotta pick up for 100 bucks, just needs gears, a yoke and some welding.
    -finally got back to working on the 60 front, took it apart, wire wheeled it, just gotta repack the bearings, slap some coil buckets on, some link mounts, and gears(5.38s).... im gonna just weld the front spiders.
    -still gotta build some longarms for the front.
    -gotta do the yearly take off skids and bumpers to repaint from lovely winter salt.
    Last edited by justtorchit; 03-04-2010, 11:19 AM.
    Originally posted by Ktmracer419
    some people choose video games
    some choose projects
    some choose welding random things together

  • #2
    just making a to do list, so i can start knocking shit out...

    weld brackets/spider gears on 60s
    regear rear 60
    make a fancy crossmember, and cut the floor out to fit it
    reroute exhaust
    figure out rim/brake issue( probably 8 inch rims with 2.5 backspacing )
    weld up links
    buy steering (7/8" hiems high misalignment spacers)

    god..... spring is giving me the urge to finish her up

    just dumping some links.
    Last edited by justtorchit; 03-22-2009, 09:56 PM.
    Originally posted by Ktmracer419
    some people choose video games
    some choose projects
    some choose welding random things together


    • #3

      finally got box of goodies

      ive been working on it slowly but surely...

      found a bunch of rot but thankfully only where i need to cut the floor out to put my upper link tower anyways...

      finally got them stifiners welded up nicely...

      got it from sitting on 3 jackstands to sitting on 4 stands cuz the unibody was tweeked a bit...

      UT OHHHH

      ive been spending alot of time trying to think of how i wana run the front suspension but think i have a nice plan now.... more updates later in teh week prolly, should be taking a loan out to pay for a couple more things
      Last edited by justtorchit; 03-04-2010, 11:15 AM.
      Originally posted by Ktmracer419
      some people choose video games
      some choose projects
      some choose welding random things together


      • #4
        Mmmmmm progress.


        • #5
          nice dude, get this done!
          "when I'm riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive...when I stop riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive"


          • #6
            won ton came in today!!!....

            and to anyone with fab skillz that dosent want to just bullshit around all day, is welcome to come by next week and lend a hand.... i want this thing rolling on 4 tires next weekend
            Last edited by justtorchit; 06-11-2009, 04:27 PM.
            Originally posted by Ktmracer419
            some people choose video games
            some choose projects
            some choose welding random things together


            • #7
              What days?
              2000 XJ with goodies soon to be in pieces
              1999 XJ will get most of the 2000XJ doodads.


              • #8
                weekdays after 5..... i know its kinda shitty times.. but its wat i got to work with
                Originally posted by Ktmracer419
                some people choose video games
                some choose projects
                some choose welding random things together


                • #9
                  i might have to do the same thing with my gas tank/skid, did you have to relocate the filler?


                  • #10
                    i could if i wanted toooo... but opening the hatch is just as easy as opening the gas door
                    Originally posted by Ktmracer419
                    some people choose video games
                    some choose projects
                    some choose welding random things together


                    • #11
                      project-1 ton cheep jeep

                      did some work on it the past week.... VERY happy with the outcome

                      i got a set of grooved goodyear hummer tires with rims that i needed for a good deal, so its what im gonna run till i can dish out for something else...

                      basicly spent the whole week measuring and planning out my front 3 link.
                      I really like how it turned out, with 2 lowers off the frame rails and my upper mounted off the side of the framerail through the floor...

                      well less talks and more pics cuz it happend

                      i was verry worried about the upper arm fitting in the very small space between the frame rail and starter, but after i cut all the old control arm brackets off everything fit quite nicely.

                      I still need to build a track bar and get a reamer for the steering.
                      I cycled the suspension the way it is right now.. and seamed to work the way i wanted.
                      The true test will be when its on the road.

                      and just for shitz and giggles i had to throw a spindle together just to see how it would sit.....

                      It now sits about 2 inches longer and i feel everything is finally coming together...
                      Originally posted by Ktmracer419
                      some people choose video games
                      some choose projects
                      some choose welding random things together


                      • #12
                        nice link mounts

                        are those poly bushings?

                        did you run your numbers yet?


                        • #13
                          yes polys on the axle...

                          and i was gonna post my numbers but left it on my computer in my garage....

                          AND THAKS YOUUUUUU
                          Originally posted by Ktmracer419
                          some people choose video games
                          some choose projects
                          some choose welding random things together


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ktmracer419
                            some people choose video games
                            some choose projects
                            some choose welding random things together


                            • #15
                              looks ballin

                              i was planning on running an upper kinda where yours is. only i kept my floor intact and just put a block of wood on my floor jack and jacked up my jeep from the floor there lol.

                              i made a bracket and everything for it too, just never got around to it

