Quick update.....On the way up to Maine, my Oil Pressure was all over the place. Bad SU. Thankfully I have the other complete engine and swapped in the SU from that motor. Also did some minor electrical fixes with the audio and lighting.
Big debate is which to go with.....I'm not buying it until next Feb.
I'm not going to get out of the 31's anytime soon.....so its either do what I just need for now and do the 2.5 or get prepared for the future and spring the money for the 4.
honestly if in the long term you want to run bigger tires and make it more capable id just go with the 4 inch system from the start. but if you have no plans or intentions of going ot bigger tires just stay with the 2.5
honestly if in the long term you want to run bigger tires and make it more capable id just go with the 4 inch system from the start. but if you have no plans or intentions of going to bigger tires just stay with the 2.5
Thats what I'm thinking....so I'm probably going to just go with the 2.5. I want some more capability, but I'm still going to be using the YJ as a daily.