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Project "is it finished yet?" build thread

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  • Project "is it finished yet?" build thread

    Here's what ive aquired so far(shitty camera=shitty pics)


    tnt truss

    15x8 rockcrawlers 8 on 6.5

    Last edited by Even; 12-02-2009, 03:57 AM.

  • #2
    they make 38" creeps?


    • #3
      44's are weak enough
      i dont need an extra inch of pure traction to fuck more shit up.


      • #4
        what do you need to know?

        you are going to want alloy shafts and diesel u joints

        build yo own steering. when you are ready you can cut it to length

        do you have a welder? if not get one.


        • #5
          a good MIG is gonna run you alot, unless you can find one used through a shop which is always a good deal. if you use the right stick and depending on the amperage the arc welder can put out and your welding ability you will get a great weld. you can always tack everything too and take it to a metal shop and have them weld it for you, that way you know the welds will be strong enough and reliable. i was saving for a MIG but my buddies dad is buying a miller in about a month, so i'm just gonna wait for that though.

          nice axles too i have a hp d44 that i'm building i just have no money and i'm startin to look for a 60 rear.
          No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

          ForSure Motorsports
          Win or Lose, We Booze.

          Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


          • #6
            Just went and ordered my bilsteins 5100's. Should be comin in about a week, once i get them ill probably drop a couple leaves, cut the coils, and have the old girl lowered down.


            • #7
              i have a hobart handler 140 amp. cost me about $450ish refurbished

              people have told me its too weak for things like link mounts. and at first i was a lil' scurred

              but my axle is held to the jeep by 2 points, and i have never had a weld fail in the past 2+ years.

              what length 5100's?


              • #8
                Not exactly sure on the specs, the correct length for 5-6" of lift.


                • #9
                  Alright so the rear is officially lowered. I removed the secondary leaf, and the very bottom leaf.

                  Last edited by Even; 12-02-2009, 03:30 AM.


                  • #10
                    dont cut the coils, theyre cheap enough to buy. rockkrawler ones can be had pretty cheap, ZJ coils can work too (a tad stiffer, just add an inch 4" ZJ = close to 5" XJ).

                    looks good dude. you didnt mention whihc LA setup you have- iz dat sum clayton?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by XJLI View Post
                      dont cut the coils, theyre cheap enough to buy. rockkrawler ones can be had pretty cheap, ZJ coils can work too (a tad stiffer, just add an inch 4" ZJ = close to 5" XJ).

                      looks good dude. you didnt mention whihc LA setup you have- iz dat sum clayton?
                      neh i wish, rusty's


                      • #12
                        meh, they is okay. if you do the rubi tcase, i'll have a tnt belly for you

                        itll just be a lil while down the road when i swap out my 242, unless i get me a sye'd 231 for cheap.


                        • #13
                          Alright sweet, my rubi case (if i can find one) won't be for a little while either so that might work out.


                          • #14

                            Last edited by Even; 12-02-2009, 03:31 AM.


                            • #15
                              looks much better dood

