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Project "Apache Resistance".

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  • #46
    Originally posted by ninetysix-ex-jay View Post
    Yeah i bought that case off Zullo. If you want a pic of the linkage let me know.
    That would be greatly appreciated. I'm honestly not sure if it's going to work with what i have envisioned. I'm having the piece rebuild so that it stands straight up. I want it to be straight up. I think that's better.

    Also, who is zullo? What's his username?

    Build Thread -

    No Amount Of Money Is Worth Your Sanity.


    • #47
      Well big update. Bought a 6 drawer Homak toolbox with a craftsman 3 drawer top chest for 50$ of craigslist as all my tools were totally unorganized. It was a pain in the ass.

      Anyways, the top chest was a bit rusty, so i wire wheeled just the top box down and repainted it black. Looks way better now.

      Got to filling the thing tonight and my god does it look good. Here are some pictures. Was going to resize them, but they're too good to be resized. I'm so fucking happy.

      My latest addition was that Milwaukee 3/8 18V cordless impact on the top of the box you can see. Torques to ~120 ft/pounds and makes everything so much nicer.

      I also have a Dewalt 3/8 18V cordless impact as well but it's not pictured. 1/2" & 3/8" air impact are the next things on the list. Currently debating between Snap On and IR.

      Going to fill the top of the box with lubes and loctites and greases and the whole nine yards. God i am so happy right now. Feel free to ask what some of this shit is, as i haven't even seen some of it before my dad pulled it out of the abyss to give it to me.

      Bottom drawer is; Compression Tester, Thread Starter Kit, Pop Rivet Gun Kit, Tap N' Die set, Gasket Seal Cutter, Misc Electrical Connectors, Snap Ring Pliar Set, Current Tracer, Solder Gun, Angle Grinder. Couldn't fit everything into the drawer. Had to set some other power tools in another cabinet. Need a bigger box already.

      Last edited by Hudson; 01-02-2013, 08:01 PM.

      Build Thread -

      No Amount Of Money Is Worth Your Sanity.


      • #48
        Here ya go! I just drilled the shifter end out and modified the original tab to stick up. There isn't a crazy amount of force need there so it worked out fine with those little 3/8's heims in single sheer. In 2wd the linkage was right up against the case. I didn't worry about the height between the two so much, it was close enough to work well.

        Originally posted by Zullius Caesar View Post
        Broke the transfer case linkage so i had to fix it...... used the same basic idea for the linkage from BS fab, except i just modified the exsisting shift bracket so i could make it work.

        shift beautifully

        some other updates......
        dana 44 is in, disc brakes coming soon enough
        jcr stage II sliders still waiting on delivery
        t case skid, gas tank skid, and tnt crossmember also in the near future.
        No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

        ForSure Motorsports
        Win or Lose, We Booze.

        Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


        • #49
          did mine the same exact way. shifts fantastically smooth! been that way for a year or more now
          -00 XJ. 3.5", 33s. Stuff

          I Love Scott Decker and Erik Miller

          "Blood makes you related, Loyalty makes you family"


          • #50
            Originally posted by Zullius Caesar View Post
            Here ya go! I just drilled the shifter end out and modified the original tab to stick up. There isn't a crazy amount of force need there so it worked out fine with those little 3/8's heims in single sheer. In 2wd the linkage was right up against the case. I didn't worry about the height between the two so much, it was close enough to work well.

            That helps me out a bunch. Thanks a whole lot for that. I gave a piece of metal with the design on it for my dad to get cut out at work. That will be here later today. He's also grabbing some of those heims and some 3/8 rod. Should be able to rebuild the entire thing today if all goes smooth.

            I do have a question about my T-Case though. I thought that the reason the part time light remained on when in 2wd was because my linkage was messed up. I currently have no linkage (cut it out) and when i manually shift it into 4hi with an adjustable the full time light goes on. However, when i shift it back into 2wd the part time light remains on. What would cause this? I also couldn't shift into 4lo with the old linkage Should i be able to shift into 4lo with an adjustable wrench? Do i need to put the tranny in neutral? Either way the linkage is getting a rebuild. Hopefully something isn't messed up internally in the case.

            Originally posted by 92xjlaredo View Post
            did mine the same exact way. shifts fantastically smooth! been that way for a year or more now
            Once again thank you for all your input. I would of had it done weeks ago but my dad went on vacation for 17 days and i didn't have any method to cut the slit out of the tab to make a new one. It'll be done today though.

            Build Thread -

            No Amount Of Money Is Worth Your Sanity.


            • #51
              Oh, and last night someone called me to "help pull them out".

              They failed to tell me that they bottomed it out in a mud pit the previous day, and it turned to ice. I've never seen anyone stuck like this before. I asked him what the fuck he did to get it like that and go goes, "I drove over a sheet of ice and when i get halfover over my front axle broke through and then the back went in." Said he called a towtruck driver and the guy said "There is nothing we can do about that".


              Build Thread -

              No Amount Of Money Is Worth Your Sanity.


              • #52
                LOL that prolly shoulda been in shenanigans!! thats crazy stuck. when a tow truck guy with a winch says no....thats bad mmkay
                -00 XJ. 3.5", 33s. Stuff
                I Love Scott Decker and Erik Miller

                "Blood makes you related, Loyalty makes you family"


                • #53
                  Originally posted by 92xjlaredo View Post
                  LOL that prolly shoulda been in shenanigans!! thats crazy stuck. when a tow truck guy with a winch says no....thats bad mmkay
                  Dude it was nuts.

                  He bought the jeep 3 days ago for $1600. He got it stuck and when he left it overnight someone smashed out the front headlight, rear taillight, and smashed the mirror. They also put a bunch of dents in the side of it and the front fender is fucked. It's all bent.

                  He gets into my jeep with like 10 pairs of socks, and some plastic bags to put over his feet to "keep them dry". I ask him why he needs them and he replies, "I'm going scubadiving for the front axle". I just my head off.

                  Needless to say that thing is still sitting there. I'm going to go back there when i get out of school and take some more pictures.

                  Build Thread -

                  No Amount Of Money Is Worth Your Sanity.


                  • #54
                    Some more pictures of the heep;


                    Build Thread -

                    No Amount Of Money Is Worth Your Sanity.


                    • #55
                      she looks very pudry, did you get you're friend out?!
                      -jake........sorry for any of my spelling fails i was droped on my head when i was little.

                      Quote Phill: Do you drink lots of coffee? I drink it once in a while and I get varying effects. Some days it doesn't bother me but others my heart races like a greyhound from the Vet after the owners realize that it cant race anymore and needs to die. Fuck that, find me some owner with big tits and I'll be cute and slow the rest of my life.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by 96jeepman View Post
                        she looks very pudry, did you get you're friend out?!
                        Thank you.

                        No, not even close. We had two XJs pulling on him and he wouldn't even budge. He was bottomed out in a pit full of water and mud and the water was frozen over. Basically an ice pit. I think a winch is my next investment for that bumper of mine. They're fucking expensive though.

                        On board air is the current project.

                        Build Thread -

                        No Amount Of Money Is Worth Your Sanity.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Hudson View Post
                          Well big update. Bought a 6 drawer Homak toolbox with a craftsman 3 drawer top chest for 50$ of craigslist as all my tools were totally unorganized. It was a pain in the ass.

                          Anyways, the top chest was a bit rusty, so i wire wheeled just the top box down and repainted it black. Looks way better now.

                          Got to filling the thing tonight and my god does it look good. Here are some pictures. Was going to resize them, but they're too good to be resized. I'm so fucking happy.

                          My latest addition was that Milwaukee 3/8 18V cordless impact on the top of the box you can see. Torques to ~120 ft/pounds and makes everything so much nicer.

                          I also have a Dewalt 3/8 18V cordless impact as well but it's not pictured. 1/2" & 3/8" air impact are the next things on the list. Currently debating between Snap On and IR.

                          Going to fill the top of the box with lubes and loctites and greases and the whole nine yards. God i am so happy right now. Feel free to ask what some of this shit is, as i haven't even seen some of it before my dad pulled it out of the abyss to give it to me.

                          Bottom drawer is; Compression Tester, Thread Starter Kit, Pop Rivet Gun Kit, Tap N' Die set, Gasket Seal Cutter, Misc Electrical Connectors, Snap Ring Pliar Set, Current Tracer, Solder Gun, Angle Grinder. Couldn't fit everything into the drawer. Had to set some other power tools in another cabinet. Need a bigger box already.

                          my tool box used to be that clean and organized, then i put my sye in and it exploded all over my tent and for your buddy just call rj he will help your buddy out
                          Last edited by hoggie101; 01-07-2013, 08:56 PM.
                          2000 xj 4.5 clayton longarms with wontons with a touch of
                          97' zj
                          2012 surbra imperza DD
                          im a motivation machine like the hammer and sickle in communism


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by hoggie101 View Post
                            my tool box used to be that clean and organized, then i put my sye in and it exploded all over my tent and for your buddy just call rj he will help your buddy out
                            Yeah I'm trying to keep it clean. Makes it so much easier when everything is organized and you know where everything is. Think I'm going to take all the stuff out of the bottom drawer and put a sawzall in there as ill probably use it more than anything else in there.

                            Currently trying to figure out what tools I should order next. 3/8 & 1/2 air impact are already ordered.

                            Who is rj? Friend is out. He waited for it to thaw a little and we pulled him out then.

                            Went through a build on how to put on board air in a jeep yesterday. Guy had everything in 1/4". I bumped everything up to 3/8" so I can run at a higher pressure with a higher air flow rate. All the parts should be here tomorrow and I'm going to make a detailed video of it step by step as there is no video out there of it being done. Should be able to help future people.

                            Just need to figure out how to wire it. Might run the wiring tonight.

                            Build Thread -

                            No Amount Of Money Is Worth Your Sanity.


                            • #59
                              On board air parts are starting to arrive. Was going to go with brass, but instead i opted for stainless steel. All piping is going to be done in 3/8" stainless steel. The guy i'm following went with 1/4", but i figured i'd get a lot higher air flow rate with 3/8".

                              So i'm doing it. Going with 3/8. Going to post more pictures as i begin to put it all together.

                              Also got the paddle cut out for the transfer case so i can get my upgraded tcase linkage back on. That's on the far right of the picture.


                              Build Thread -

                              No Amount Of Money Is Worth Your Sanity.


                              • #60
                                Another update on my on board air build. More parts have arrived.

                                Waiting on the pressure switch and pressure relief valve and the check valve and the pressure gauge now.

                                Still need to find a tank that holds about 2-3 gallons. My air hose will be here tomorrow. I'll start putting all of this together on probably friday. Still have a few questions about how this is going to work, but they should get answered along the way.


                                Build Thread -

                                No Amount Of Money Is Worth Your Sanity.

