so dope
Are you looking into pushing out some more horsepower?
After I rebuild the transmission which won't be for a few months (lack of spare cash all of a sudden) I would like to see what this car will do when it really launches with this engine. My guess is I will be stuck somewhere in the low 11s.
At that point yes, I will end up building some more power. The rear end is built to handle about 150-200 more horse than I currently have. The "weak" point is the eaton worm differential and it's not really known how much power it can reliably take with track time. Eaton believes it is safe to run with about 700 horespower. The rest of the parts can handle much more... That being said when I rebuild the engine I will probably shoot for the 650-700 horse range.
Not sure how to answer that exactly, it will be a naturally aspirated big block. I might change my pistons out for something with more of a dome to get the compression up around 10.5 and do another cam change to something more racey. My heads can support what my goal is for power. This will make for a pretty radical 454. Or I could build a 540 out of an aftermarket block and put my heads, cam, intake, etc. on it and have a more streetable engine like i have now. This wont take place until the transmission has been replaced/rebuilt.
Whatcha looking at cam-wise? My dad's always used Iskendarian stuff, no complaints, but nowadays there's so much on the market.
Isky made the last cam I ran and the cam I am running currently. The current one is a hydraulic roller and specs at, .578/.608 lift, Adv Dur 284/294, Dur@.050 238/248, 110 Lobe Separation.