7:30 am I-91 North Exit 10ish
I cross paths with the "im out to fuck someone" state trooper.
Officer: License, INS and REG please son.
Me: Here you are Sir.
Officer: Ok the reason i pulled you over is your rear tires seem to be stickin out 3-4" and your front looks to be about 5-6" but that could be because the fenders all smashed
Me: Yes i have been meaning to get some extended flairs Sir.
Officer: Well im going to issue you a "Fix-it tickit" youll need to get this taken care of and report to the DMV within 20day for inspection.
Me: OK...!! thankyou very much Officer.
anyone got a set of TJ flares
cuz my shits trimmed so i dont really know if stock will fit n e more
I cross paths with the "im out to fuck someone" state trooper.
Officer: License, INS and REG please son.
Me: Here you are Sir.
Officer: Ok the reason i pulled you over is your rear tires seem to be stickin out 3-4" and your front looks to be about 5-6" but that could be because the fenders all smashed

Me: Yes i have been meaning to get some extended flairs Sir.
Officer: Well im going to issue you a "Fix-it tickit" youll need to get this taken care of and report to the DMV within 20day for inspection.
Me: OK...!! thankyou very much Officer.

anyone got a set of TJ flares
