Oh yea I'm a D bag HAHA welds suck Hahaah! well your probably a 18 year old skinny little bitch that has never even seen a welder let alone a weld so your opinion means dick, no you mean dick so shut the fuck up.
I can do this forever.
bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahaha seriously, i havent had a laugh like that in a long fuckin time. thank you.
you obviously havent met me. let's see. im 21 years of age. im 6'1" 230 lbs. so say something to my face and see what happens
but honestly dude your flirting is making us all uncomfortable, so it would be better if you just left. go fuck yourself d bag
oh and what's with the name crazy horse? how about you get out of 4 wheeling, buy a mustang, name it "crazy horse", and join the 5,000,000,000 other guys with mustangs who name them "crazy horse." think of something original.
oh and what's with the name crazy horse? how about you get out of 4 wheeling, buy a mustang, name it "crazy horse", and join the 5,000,000,000 other guys with mustangs who name them "crazy horse." think of something original.
first how do you expect to sell anything when you come onto a new site and just act like a total asshole?
AAWWW I broke the rules fuck you and your rules. I do not care if any of you Homos buy these doors I guess you fags can't read. So now I would not sell to any of you if you offered to suck my dick for them, which most of you already have. I like how guys talk shit on here but PM and email me asking for a set of the doors. I told you why I was here but your to fucking stupid to understand. Man if I was in your region I would be in jail right now from beating your pussy fagot ass into pile of dick sucking jelly.
ok mr. big bad internet tuff guy, why would you post these doors here if you didnt care if we bought them?
and second, i would love to see you back up anything you say
"when I'm riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive...when I stop riding my motorcycle,I'm glad to be alive"
I can guarantee you that you were the kid in high school that was 5'3" string bean, that had braces all the way through, you had a high pitched voice and got the shit kicked out of you all the time.
I got my braces off by my Junior year and my voice wasn't that high, Dick.
but your to fucking stupid to understand. Man if I was in your region I would be in jail right now from beating your pussy fagot ass into pile of dick sucking jelly.
1. it's "you're" dumbass...... and "too"
"we're too fucking stupid to understand".
2. Don't make fight threats here, cause i know for a fact there are mulitple on here, myself included that you wouldn't stand a chance against.
3. i would trust josh fields to weld me a set of a tube doors before you.
No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.
ForSure Motorsports
Win or Lose, We Booze.
Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers