We have the crazy old Italian family that lives next door that converted their one family into 4 and my inlaws had to call the town to stop them from building another apartment above their garage.
The wife is crazy enough that when we went out of town once, she called complaining about the lights we left on shining into her daughter's window and keeping her awake. Her daughter is in her late 30-40s and there is a set of trees that stand 25 feet tall between our homes. They also went into detail of which rooms had lights on w/o ever have stepped in the house. Blinds and curtains were ordered and install the next month.
They yelled at my father when he came here to plow because the snow was being thrown against the fence. His reaction was " Why are you mad? I'm italian too" and then then he and the old man started going through our family's history in town and became friends
At his house someone complained to the town about him having commercial property in residential zoning and tried getting him in trouble for a woodchipper when he's a landscaper.
Needless to say I'm looking at homes that there is a good distance between me and any neighbors.
First off, this needs explanation because I can't wrap my head around this.
I live in a condominium complex with a board of managers thank think it will stop me from wrenching by fining me $25 bucks
89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'
Society in general is so against people servicing their own vehicles...and it is so mind boggling to me as to why.
because it cant be taxed......
89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'
This is like what happened to me. Me and some friends were having some bro time and having a bon fire in my back yard in the fire pit i built, the cops show up and say they had a noise complaint from one of the neighbors....WTF? we didn't have music on that loud, and my parents were asleep so they would have woken up before neighbors heard us. If they walked over and asked to keep it down, i would've tried like hell to be quite.
God made the world in seven days, on the 7th day, he made the Le Car
So.... Is it safe to say that any wrench-fest, or even any wrenching that is to be had at all, must take place in front of Wills house, in the road from here on out?
So.... Is it safe to say that any wrench-fest, or even any wrenching that is to be had at all, must take place in front of Wills house, in the road from here on out?
dude. I grew up in that fuckhole of an area, as you know, and I can officially say, having lived all over, that fairfield county is the worst place in america to live. Why you may ask? Some may say 'but its so nice!'. No, its not nice. There are areas that are nice, in fact nicer than most, but they're unaffordable to anyone making less than 500k a year in new york and hence useless to everyday people like us. So then, for the rest of us, there is normal fairfield county - which is fairly industrial and really, no nicer or cleaner than most other small cities in the US - BUT, because there are the 'nice' areas, the taxes are insanely expensive and the cost of living is also about double most other areas. So, on top of cost of living ($6 average beer cost), people strive to be like new yorkers. So much in fact, that they surpass new yorkers in unfriendly-ness and cliquey-nes. God forbid you try and be social at a bar, park, whateverthefuck - you will be looked at like you have 4 eyes.
So, now, to contrast (Ill leave fort lauderdale out of the comparison, because its not even fair) I now live in massachusetts, just outside of boston - 15 minutes in fact from down town. I pay $766 bucks a month for 1/3rd of an insane 4 bedroom apartment, and generally pay about $2.50 for a beer. If I go to a bar, and say hi to the pretty girl next to me, guess what happens?!?!?!? shes says hi back - zomg. Fairfield county is the absolute worst place for anyone between the ages of 18 and 40 to live. I would say about 33% of the people I know there still live at home because its too expensive, and probably about 75% are still fucking the same circle of people they fucked in highschool.
As you can see, I have a strong hatred for that area and a lot of frustration built up for those who choose to stay against my words of advice.
Edit: Ill add one thing - growing up there was great. I lived the life most Americans will never live, growing up in a wealthy area, with wealthy parents (if they're living in fairfield county, they're wealthy - relatively), getting a good education, riding my bike everywhere, going to the beach to drink, without much of a care for crime etc. I would say, if you can afford it, its a great place to raise a kid. But thats all it has going for it. Once you hit 18, GTFO.