sweet project man Good thing its an 89 special one of a kind limted edition mines an 88 shortbed sportruck, i did a similar swap, only i used all 96 cherokee parts so i'm all obd II. mine went really well took about a week of 10 to 12 hour days to do it and do it right, no cut wires etc.. 96 interior and even cherokee taillight harness (had to extend the wires on the driverside, but it all runs and drives good. getting a windshield today and registration next week
88 manche-96 4.0 OBDII 5in 35's-new bumper..parked
..............back under construction...
96 2door donor....
94 yj 4.0 5 sp .... dd only mods no track or sway bars
Andy and I finished the Comanche today, well, for the most part. Took it for a nice test drive. Check engine light came on popping up a code 12 and code 15. 12 due to the battery being recently disconnected. 15 because the speedometer doesn't work. All in all, except for some interior wiring which is not important. I'm just happy that after all this work the jeep runs and drives like a champ!