what did you use for skids or was it prefab?
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AngryTj's Rubicon Build
Starting a new job in a couple weeks, new year on the way, and an epic west coast wheelin trip planned for June-ish Ive decided to pull the trigger and open up the wallet to get this jeep "finished"!
The following is either here, on its way, or will be ordered in the next week to get the ball rolling on big changes:
Genright EXT tank. 19g capacity and allowed 5in stretch
Genright stretched corners
Comes with a YJ style Gas filler to compensate for the stretch and still allow me to mount my stock flares.
Brand new Vanco 16" Big Brake Kit from a forum member. Spoke with Blaine who said the 16" kit will fit my 15" racelines since they have 3.25" backspacing I just have to be careful where the sticky weights are.
Poly Front half cage
Will be doing my own rear half additions
Rokmen Fairlead
Amsteel 3/8" x 80' orange winchline with black safety thimble
Daves Customs Unlimited Shock Towers
Two 2" Coreau 4pt harness'
Planning to run a shoulder bar using bushings at the ends to allow for it to be removable when the backseat is needed.
Its time!Hobart 140
Moabs x5
Falken Rocky Mountain AT x 4 (285/75/16) Going to be using these as a street tire
The cage will be going in first toward the end of January then surgery on the rear to allow for 5in stretch will start in February.
Im planning to do something very similar to what a friend tried originally when he stretched.
LETS DO THIS!!05 Black Rubicon
went down to maryland to visit a friend this past weekend and while down there we did my roll cage
Tear down
Cutting the notches in the dash. Poly provides a template that provided more then enough room. For those tackling this project in the future start with a smaller notch and work from there.
took the top vent cover off (pops right off), unbolted 4 bolts under the dash vent, and the 3 along each side of the dash in the doorway, and loosen 2 behind the glove box so we could lift the dash off slightly to provide a little more room to slide the A pillar in. Then put the dash right back in place.
Test fitting with the door surrounds to get a good seal with the door.
The A pillar comes in two pieces. Some Tig welding..
Custom Rear additions
Drilled holes in the floor and cut the rock sliders to make room for the frame tie in
Test fitting the front windshield spreader bars
My buddys amazing Tig welds on my shoulder harness bar
Tacking everything in place
Almost ready to be fully welded
Frame tie in
On the 03-06 models there is a plastic trip around the windshield so that has to be notched.
Finished product
Last edited by AngryTJ; 01-23-2013, 08:28 PM.05 Black Rubicon
that is all
-jake........sorry for any of my spelling fails i was droped on my head when i was little.
Quote Phill: Do you drink lots of coffee? I drink it once in a while and I get varying effects. Some days it doesn't bother me but others my heart races like a greyhound from the Vet after the owners realize that it cant race anymore and needs to die. Fuck that, find me some owner with big tits and I'll be cute and slow the rest of my life.
Finally got around to working on the jeep.
First thing I wanted to do was swap out my 4" Zone springs for my new OME springs. The main thing I wanted see is if there was going to be any rake I would need to address by frenching the rear upper mount more into the frame lowering the a$$ end instead of using spacers in the front.
Took a few pre-swap measurements:
From the ground to the rear of the frame 22 1/8"
ground to middle frame in front of rear tire 19 1/2"
ground to middle frame behind front tire 19 1/2"
Ground to steering box skid 20 3/8"
Overall the Jeep stands pretty level
New front spring on the left (went with the OME 930s):
Front done progress shot
Rear springs (Went with OME 949 for the rear)
Finished product:
New measurements post-swap:
From the ground to the rear of the frame was 22 1/8" now 21 1/2"
ground to middle frame in front of rear tire was 19 1/2" now 18 5/8"
ground to middle frame behind front tire was 19 1/2" now 18 3/8"
Ground to steering box skid was 20 3/8" now 18 3/8"
The rear didnt drop much being as though the 949s are a stiff spring but Im sure it will settle in just a bit more. Front dropped 2" and now there is a little of a forward rake so Ill make sure to raise the rear upper mount just a bit when I stretch.
After the springs I decided to tackle the evap
The hose with the white connector at the end is where it plugs into the hose coming from the gas tank. First thing I did was detach both hoses at the top of the next pic and removed the large charcoal canister completely. Then removed the hose on the upper left that came from the canister back into the evap completely and took the upper right hose end and moved it to the evap so it bypasses it completely.
Hard to describe but easy to figure out.
Canister detached
Then I removed it from the mounting bracket completely to figure out how I wanted to mount it.
Ill make a bracket to mount like so and remove the shelf that held the canister. Started the jeep up and let it run for 10 minutes and no codes so far.
Next project is the Genright tank install05 Black Rubicon
Genright EXT tank install Part 1
Well I finally got around to installing my genright tank to allow for a 5 in rear stretch. I was able to handle everything on my own and made it 80% of the way through before having to call it a day.
First things first remove the negative battery terminal
next remove the gas cap to relieve pressure in the lines
unscrew the bolts and remove the gas bezel
then locate the axle vent tube zip tied to the filler hose and cut the zip tie
unclip the following 3 hoses. 1 goes to the fuel pump assembly, 1 goes to the hose that wraps around to the evap and the last is an electrical wire then connects to the fuel pump assembly.
NOTE: for the electrical connector you will likely need to lower the tank some before being able to get your hand in there to unclip it and pull it off.
Before doing so unbolt the front 2 (Savvy GTS) or 3 (stock GTS) bolts.
In my case sawzaw them off
This is the electrical connector that has a slide piece at the top before you can push the top of it and pull it off.
Remove the 4 bolts behind the tank near the bumper, disconnect the EVAP line on the rear passenger side and lower the tank slowly. While lowering check to make sure no other hoses are being held up and also make sure to be careful of the filler hose.
The next pic shows a 2005 gas tank and how all the lines run
New genright tank with simplified lines
remove filler hose from the stock tank and place on the new tank
use the supplied line and do the following
Now its time to take the fuel pump assembly out of the stock tank
Spin the outer metal ring until it comes off and the fuel pump assembly is free (I used a hammer and flathead to get the ring to spin)
then remove the fuel pump assembly VERY CAREFULLY AND SLOW!! you can see in the next pic there is a wire and float that hangs to the side. Place it aside on a clean rag
Next take the oring from the stock tank, apply some grease, and put on the new tank opening which is grooved and will fit directly in.
There will be a small tab at the top of the fuel assembly. Carefully cut the tab off so the assembly will sit in the new tank flush. Install the fuel assembly lining up the arrow on the assembly to the line or arrow on the genright tank
Use the supplied alum ring and and hand tighten making sure the arrow stays in line.
05 Black Rubicon
Next take the Evap line off the stock tank and attach to the new. I used some zip ties to attach it to the new tanks hoses on top to keep it in place. Dont pinch the line making them too tight though.
Next start to jack up the tank into position making sure to be careful with the filler hose.
Thats as far as I got today and Ill finish up next weekend.
Making progress even though it may not look like it
05 Black Rubicon