just got the new inset taillights in. i didnt go with led, normal 4 inch lights were 8 bucks, and i didnt need to change the flasher for them. so i saved a few dollars.
still waiting on getting my panels cut. the plasma table at work is broken, but i did pickup the sheetmetal. went with 20 gauge cold rolled. so my hole body is going to be very thick. i am epically excited.
2000 xj 4.5 clayton longarms with wontons with a touch of
97' zj
2012 surbra imperza DD
im a motivation machine like the hammer and sickle in communism
i want bigger tires bad, but these tires are brand new, i just cant push myself to chuck them and buy another set ( previous owner bought them )
anyways, i got my panels on today, and painted the whole jeep. im going to wrap up a few wires and other odds and ends tomorrow, and put the gastank back in finally. ill through some pics up.
hes a pic of the panels just tacked in, i was surprised how well they matched up
ok all paint, and jumping ahead, it hit the trails today, finally! i might have a bad bearing in the rear end, near the drivers wheel, but other than that, everything worked great. and to all those who said its only work its scrap weight