so yesterday I was driving my jeep and thinking how nicely it was driving, (even spun tire around a corner) and I noticed my temp gauge starting to get a little warm. I thought little of it, normally my temp goes slightly above 210 before the Tstat opens and it goes right back down. Well that was not the case. It continued to rise as I tried everything to cool it down. Aux fan and everything was no use. As it reached 230 I decided to ditch off the main road and make a bee line for a friend's property that was close by.
As I crest the last hill before his property I shut the jeep off. I bounce up over the curb and onto his land and BOOM. Steam everywhere blasting out my hood on all sides. coolant Errrrverywhere passenger floor and coating everything under the hood.
So I went and picked it up that night, put more coolant in and it stayed nice and cool. Only thing is now I have no heat. So fuck.
1993 XJ sport 3.5" rustys 33" MTZ's armored.
1999 sierra
1967 M725 Big and Slow