alright SiS offroad, as most of you know, my mighty green xj that could is now dead.
Anyways, I am beginning the quest to create a vehicle designed for use at this OER and this OER only. For on the last day of this epic adventure there is to be a race up crawl daddy as well as a revengification of shoot the moon from last years OER III in the RJN Motortards red xj.
So thus begins the quest to build a rig suited for this type of single time destruction. Now i know that many of vehicles go to junkyards to die a shameful death, but whatever vehicle i may be granted with will undoubtedly die an honorable and worthy death. I can assure it will go out with a bang, so to speak.
So you may ask, why have i come to you SiS offroad with this story???
Because the beginning stages of this project may lay in one of your hands, for it is known that through some forceful lobbying, free vehicles are often obtained. This is why i bring you here.
The only requirements are that it runs and that it has a functioning 4 wheel drive system.
some old pickup truck, a cherokee or comanche on its last legs, whatever you have to give can make this feat possible.
For any man willing to come through on this shall recieve eternal exaltcation from the SiS offroad community. Their portrait shall be hung in the mighty hall of heroes and their name forever enscribed into the pages of this epic tale.
Now lets get this done guys, and lets go get us some that beautiful sunday afternoon. :headband:
Anyways, I am beginning the quest to create a vehicle designed for use at this OER and this OER only. For on the last day of this epic adventure there is to be a race up crawl daddy as well as a revengification of shoot the moon from last years OER III in the RJN Motortards red xj.
So thus begins the quest to build a rig suited for this type of single time destruction. Now i know that many of vehicles go to junkyards to die a shameful death, but whatever vehicle i may be granted with will undoubtedly die an honorable and worthy death. I can assure it will go out with a bang, so to speak.
So you may ask, why have i come to you SiS offroad with this story???
Because the beginning stages of this project may lay in one of your hands, for it is known that through some forceful lobbying, free vehicles are often obtained. This is why i bring you here.
The only requirements are that it runs and that it has a functioning 4 wheel drive system.
some old pickup truck, a cherokee or comanche on its last legs, whatever you have to give can make this feat possible.
For any man willing to come through on this shall recieve eternal exaltcation from the SiS offroad community. Their portrait shall be hung in the mighty hall of heroes and their name forever enscribed into the pages of this epic tale.
Now lets get this done guys, and lets go get us some that beautiful sunday afternoon. :headband:
