It seems to be the newest social internet trend tool. It is pretty retarded, and is actually kind of wrong IMO, but then again its all voluntary, and people love to really put their personal life out there for whatever reason.
its basically a site where you make a profile or page, and then people can go on it, and ask you completely anonymously any question they want, publicly, and then you post your answers publicly. some of the things i see on peoples formsprings when they post them on facebook is amazing, stuff that has no place in public domain IMO.
anyone else witnessed this seemingly phenom of fail?
its basically a site where you make a profile or page, and then people can go on it, and ask you completely anonymously any question they want, publicly, and then you post your answers publicly. some of the things i see on peoples formsprings when they post them on facebook is amazing, stuff that has no place in public domain IMO.
anyone else witnessed this seemingly phenom of fail?
