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Do we Really Know Their Awesome Power?

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  • Do we Really Know Their Awesome Power?

    Now what can I possibly be talking about here? I understand that in today's world this topic can be easily misunderstood for things like WMD's, China, or even Asteroids in space on a collision course with Earth. However, there is one awesome power that men do not completely understand; this of course is boobs.

    Some general facts about boobs:

    1) They can either help you get a job or make the working environment a happier place to be
    2)They can make a boring or shitty movie into an instant classic
    3)Their power cannot be underestimated

    On top of all this, they also have the ability to ruin a person forever. So, if you're still reading this, i'm sure you're saying that you would like some evidence. Well ask and you shall receive:

    Now for a look inside the source of their power:

    1) The side boob

    2) The under boob

    3) Cleavage

    Now, I didn't forget about the ladies here. If you are weak in the way of the boob well thankfully I didn't leave you out:

    The push up

    If your still skeptical here, its okay. In fact, most of society is so feared by the boob that its actually not allowed out in public. But if you look close, all things in the world of great power are also shaped like boobs:

    San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. Powerful



    1) What happens as they get older

    Boobs work much like the book "The Giving Tree" After countless years their life cycle finally comes to an end. This mostly looks like Chevy Chase's career, in the end, disgusting.

    What benefits do women see in this?
    They can brighten up an entire room, make the sun come out, or make them seem more interesting and intelligent.

    One of these girls is definitely a scholar

    Famous people who were built on boobs

    1) Brittney Spears

    2) Scarlet Johansson

    3) You all know this picture

    She has a head and neck too! Her name is Kate

    In Conclusion :

    Definitely one force to be respected and reckoned with.
    Last edited by ninetysix-ex-jay; 03-12-2010, 10:34 AM.
    I don't always drink orange juice, but when I do, I prefer to chew it. #madpulp

  • #2

    just to add for the girls:

    that bra. is incredible.
    mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
    2022 JL Rubicon

    Originally posted by hoggie101
    and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


    • #3
      got a little time on your hands??
      Watch your backhoe, I'm the John Deere man.


      • #4
        great post

        i approve


        • #5
          89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
          95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
          97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
          If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'

          "Shut up and Wheel"


          • #6
            Originally posted by ninetysix-ex-jay View Post

            3) You all know this picture

            She has a head and neck too! Her name is Kate

            Am I the only one that doesn't know this picture?
            I need the 4.0L!!!!!!!!!!!


            • #7
              haha that picture has been posted sooooooooo many times on SiS
              mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
              2022 JL Rubicon

              Originally posted by hoggie101
              and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


              • #8
                this thread brings a tear of joy to my eye. thank you jon.
                I drive a Datsun


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lawn Guyland View Post
                  haha that picture has been posted sooooooooo many times on SiS
                  she might as well change her name to "internet cleavage girl"


                  • #10
                    Wow. this might have my vote for best post ever. not even kidding.

                    I laughed, I cried, I drooled...

                    A+ thread Jon.
                    "Watching you work on your Jeep is like watching a doctor operate on a cadaver...
                    It may be good practice, but in the end it won't do much good." -My Mother.


                    • #11

                      I would exalt till the middle of next week if I could

                      2012 Honda Accord - For DD/MPG Porpoises - Cooper Tire: Count on Cooper
                      2014 Granite Crystal WK2 Limited - Nitto Tire: Fueled by Enthusiasts

                      Poontang Pro 300EX 42" - For lawn porpoises
                      OG KOT #4736 Semper Sky Rock Racing/Standardbred Racing Designs 15.5 HP Turbo-Cool Craftsman, 6 Spd w/ crawl box, fat turf treads, Custom paint, and a red onzie


                      • #12
                        ohhh the side boob
                        2 tj's
                        3 yj's
                        2 xj's
                        i'm a jeep whore

                        "id walk 6 hours one way to suck a fart out of megan fox's ass"


                        • #13
                          Well done sir.

                          Well done.


                          • #14
                            oh and just bc


                            • #15
                              A+ Jon!!! A fucking + Sir
                              You better decide if you are hanging on the cross, or banging in the nails

