and my hair looks no way near that nice when i drive my wrangler.
my hair looks like hell whenever i ride around in will's jeep doorless...and sometimes when the wind is really bad it likes to try and blow my bag around and lift my shirt
jeeps are boys. haha
mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum 2022 JL Rubicon
Originally posted by hoggie101
and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year
my hair looks like hell whenever i ride around in will's jeep doorless...and sometimes when the wind is really bad it likes to try and blow my bag around and lift my shirt
jeeps are boys. haha
i've definitely had the shirt thing happen to me..i learned that to drive doorless i have to tuck part of my shirt in in the front and secure my hair under the shoulder part of the seatbelt...or else bad things happen.
yes. especially when you have hair as long as mine. NOT fun.
mines finally getting long again!!! im so happy!!! haha but when i was a kid i had it down to my waist and i cut it just because of the knots....lmao so im not a fan hahaha