[QUOTE=Buffalo Phil;329199]Some cool pictures, Sardo, especially the military personnel portraits (I guess you can call them that) in the original post.
I'll post some random assorted stuff.
i love this gun so much, first handgun i ever shot in my life, only i believe its a 6.5" and was chambered in .41 Mag....so fucking accurate
first guns are always the best, unless you do what i did and wander into some pawn shop in Texarcana AR then buy the first AK you see for $120. some ban model crap that only took 10rd mags and couldn't be modified to take the 30rd ones meh i learned haha
after that was a mossberg 590, SN is 666666 still have it
no guns but jeep stuff and playing with some RAW files, figured this looked cool and i messed around with some light painting.
9 is almost in at this point
first guns are always the best, unless you do what i did and wander into some pawn shop in Texarcana AR then buy the first AK you see for $120. some ban model crap that only took 10rd mags and couldn't be modified to take the 30rd ones meh i learned haha
after that was a mossberg 590, SN is 666666 still have it
no guns but jeep stuff and playing with some RAW files, figured this looked cool and i messed around with some light painting.
9 is almost in at this point
Nice work, night time photography is one of my favorite things to mess around with
that last pic of the jeep is too small to really tell that i changed it up some. i used photobucket for that and the site is pissing me off more and more each time i use it.
anyone recommend a good place to share pics on or use for embedding on forums, how is flicker?
brother put on some new Clayton stuff on his D30 over the weekend. had to teach himself how to MIG again since he's been in the TIG world for a bit too long.
unedited pics, i think my white balance was a bit off and these are from the first few pics i took before i nailed down my settings.
I just picked up a gopro last night. So far, it looks like it is a pretty versatile camera.
What have been peoples pro's and cons with them? I got it for snowboarding, wheeling, garage work, and general nonsense. May take it on hikes and use it during rock climbing, camping, and shooting.