2012 Honda Accord - For DD/MPG Porpoises - Cooper Tire: Count on Cooper
2014 Granite Crystal WK2 Limited - Nitto Tire: Fueled by Enthusiasts
Poontang Pro 300EX 42" - For lawn porpoises
OG KOT #4736 Semper Sky Rock Racing/Standardbred Racing Designs 15.5 HP Turbo-Cool Craftsman, 6 Spd w/ crawl box, fat turf treads, Custom paint, and a red onzie
From the governments standpoint or ours?
Seriously though, it all comes down to the ratio of responsible people vs irresponsible people. There are much more of the latter. Makes it nearly impossible.
Short story.
When I was younger I found some property behind a school next to my house. It was perfect for a short bmx/dirt jump track. I talked to some neighbors and they were all for it. A friend and I cleaned it all up, cleared it and started making a track. It was great, and more people started to come. Next thing we knew it was over run by people doing stupid stuff. Trash everywhere, (even brought cans, that were trashed also) drinking, etc. Then it got shut down.
So the intent was good, we did our best to keep it clean and be responsible, but the fact of the matter was that there were just too many stupid people for us to keep up with.
I feel its the same way with land here and people off road. I wish it wasnt true, but it is. Especially if something opened up now, with the amount of people that would just flood it, it wouldnt last long. Its not the same as out west.
From the governments standpoint or ours?
Seriously though, it all comes down to the ratio of responsible people vs irresponsible people. There are much more of the latter. Makes it nearly impossible.
Short story.
When I was younger I found some property behind a school next to my house. It was perfect for a short bmx/dirt jump track. I talked to some neighbors and they were all for it. A friend and I cleaned it all up, cleared it and started making a track. It was great, and more people started to come. Next thing we knew it was over run by people doing stupid stuff. Trash everywhere, (even brought cans, that were trashed also) drinking, etc. Then it got shut down.
So the intent was good, we did our best to keep it clean and be responsible, but the fact of the matter was that there were just too many stupid people for us to keep up with.
I feel its the same way with land here and people off road. I wish it wasnt true, but it is. Especially if something opened up now, with the amount of people that would just flood it, it wouldnt last long. Its not the same as out west.
more people fuck up nature in the limited area we have than the people that fight to take care of it. we all want legal land to do with as we please but governing bodys feel if they leave us alone, the few will destroy it all