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My Adventures Thread

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  • Snow in and out of the shadows off the north side of the summit.

    Hoyt Peak from the saddle between Avalanche Peak and the false summit.

    Descending Avalanche Peak and approaching the false summit.

    Horseshoe shaped shelter looking east and then looking west.

    99 Dub Ya Jay

    My Adventures Thread


    • One last shot before we really started to descend rapidly.

      Gary and Tenna heading down.

      99 Dub Ya Jay

      My Adventures Thread


      • More of the same.

        99 Dub Ya Jay

        My Adventures Thread


        • 3 miles down and 1 mile to go. Back below the tree line.

          We started the trail at 200pm and were back to the jeep at the trailhead by 645pm. Around 4 hours 45 minutes to complete the 4.5 miles round trip with 2,100+ feet of elevation gain.

          It took us 2 hours and 30 minutes to summit.
          It took us 1 hour and 30 minutes to descend.

          We spent 45 minutes on the summit.

          Last edited by BOX; 09-07-2013, 05:28 AM.
          99 Dub Ya Jay

          My Adventures Thread


          • Spotted this male deer on the drive home.

            He mad.

            99 Dub Ya Jay

            My Adventures Thread


            • I left Canyon Village, WY around 900am on September 14th with the goal of hiking from Warm Creek trailhead to Pebble Creek trailhead.

              Left my Jeep at the Pebble Creek trailhead in Wyoming which is around 38 miles northeast of Canyon Village where I live on the Northeast Entrance Road.

              We started hiking from the Warm Creek trailhead in Montana which is around 45 miles northeast of Canyon Village on the Northeast Entrance Road.

              Left around 1100am. Construction traffic near Tower Junction held us up for over 30 minutes.

              Only 12+ miles left to walk.

              .5 of a mile hiked. Smoky as hell. Checking out the peaks on the south side of the Northeast Entrance Road.

              A few hundred feet further pointing out an unnamed peak on the north side of the Northeast Entrance Road.

              .75 of a mile hiked. Getting a better view on some boulders.

              99 Dub Ya Jay

              My Adventures Thread


              • 1 mile hiked. smoke and more smoke.

                Pilot Peak (elevation 11,708) and Index Peak (elevation 11,312) both barely visible behind what I believe is Amphitheater Mountain (elevation 10,194).

                1.25 miles hiked. Unnamed peak and what I believe is Wolverine Peak (elevation 10,479) in the distance.

                Tossing a twig over Wolverine Peak.

                1.5 miles hiked. 1,015 feet of elevation gain crossing the Pebble Creek Divide at 8,307 feet.

                99 Dub Ya Jay

                My Adventures Thread


                • 1.75 miles hiked. Descending towards Pebble Creek Meadow.

                  2 miles hiked. The meadow looking directly north and then northwest.

                  Cutoff Mountain (elevation 10,695) now visible in the second picture.

                  2.25 miles hiked. Crossing Pebble Creek for the first time and Cutoff Mountain.

                  A few hundred feet further.

                  99 Dub Ya Jay

                  My Adventures Thread


                  • 2.5 miles hiked. Pebble Creek & Barronette Peak (elevation 10,354) to the south.

                    2.75 miles hiked. The scenery was pretty awesome.

                    99 Dub Ya Jay

                    My Adventures Thread


                    • 3 miles hiked. Cutoff Mountain getting closer.

                      3.25 miles hiked. Crossing a tributary of Pebble Creek.

                      99 Dub Ya Jay

                      My Adventures Thread


                      • 3.5 miles hiked. Sweet spot for a backcountry campsite.

                        3.75 miles hiked. Crossing Pebble Creek for the second time and Cuttoff Mountain.

                        Attempted to cross without getting wet.

                        Crossing Pebble Creek for the second time and Cutoff Mountain from the other side.

                        99 Dub Ya Jay

                        My Adventures Thread


                        • 4 miles hiked. The trail slightly overgrown.

                          4.5 miles hiked. Tree that looks like lightning struck it and Cutoff.

                          5 miles hiked. On a downed tree checking out Cutoff for the last time.

                          Last edited by BOX; 09-17-2012, 12:20 AM.
                          99 Dub Ya Jay

                          My Adventures Thread


                          • 5.5 miles hiked. At the Bliss Pass trail intersection. 6.5 miles left to hike.

                            We crossed over from Montana to Wyoming a few hundred yards before this intersection.

                            6 miles hiked. Crossing Pebble Creek for the third time.

                            7 miles hiked. The most overgrown I've seen a trail in the park.

                            99 Dub Ya Jay

                            My Adventures Thread


                            • 7.5 miles hiked. Crossing Pebble Creek for the fourth and last time.

                              8.5 miles hiked. On a downed tree on the trail.

                              99 Dub Ya Jay

                              My Adventures Thread


                              • 9 miles hiked. One of the very few uphills other than the first mile and a half of the trail.

                                10 miles hiked. Looking a little like fall in mid September.

                                10.5 miles hiked. On the home stretch.

                                99 Dub Ya Jay

                                My Adventures Thread

