So today I did some measuring and some assessment on the tube chassis I have, and I believe its useless. Too many assymetrical tubes running everywhere and the weight is all off balance.
Plan B:Use 4runner frame (at least a section of it) and build off that.
Pros- all the wiring is done for me, all I have to do is strip what I don't need. Also this gives me a set drivetrain position (kinda) so I don't have to worry about whether my shit will contact. Also master cylinder, pedals, and lines are all there. Basically id be just chopping everything off besides the hood, firewall and the floorunder the driver/passenger seat.
Cons- no longer a real tuber, just another truggy, and I have to fab a cage I thought I already had.
But all in allthis will result in a much quicker turn around.
Definitely going to link the rear tri4 with airshocks, but the front is tricky.
Looking into a super stable leaf front for simplicity and $, or using the radius arms from the XJ with airshocks and a trackbar.