I'm in need of a cheap wire feed, my lincoln 100 took a dump on me awhile ago. I priced out a brand new millermatic autoset 140 through airgas with employee discount at $660. I found a slightly older millermatic 130xp on craigslist with less than a couple hours on it and he said $550 with a full bottle and wire and an extra mask, shit I already have. I was spoiled for awhile using my fathers millermatic 200 but I need a 110v unit for my house.
Anybody wanna throw some advice? Want to make sure I'm getting the most bang for my buck
What about the hobart units? haven't priced any of those out
Anybody wanna throw some advice? Want to make sure I'm getting the most bang for my buck
What about the hobart units? haven't priced any of those out