Dear (some of) SiSOffRoad,
The Internet is serious, and your grammar is appalling. To operate a motor vehicle normally comes hand in hand with usage of this website, and with your ability to operate a motor vehicle comes the assumption that you all passed 2nd grade at one point or another, whether that be you spent 4 years trying or not, that is not my concern. However, you DID pass 2nd grade. With THAT comes the assumption that you learned how to speak, write, communicate in a basic manner and so on.
Your. You're. Two extremely elusive spellings of an extremely complicated set of English words. Both with separate meanings. This seemingly insurmountable speech/communication barrier seems to be something of an issue across the interweb land of sisoffroad. Its spelling and usage forever eluding the majority of the people who attempt it.
But with this letter I bring great news, for I am here to save you SiS. As I sit here at work, doing nothing productive, I felt it was time to educate.
Your. This is explaining ownership.
Example: I hate your Jeep, it is very shitty and bad.
Example 2: Your head is on fire, please put it out.
You're. This is short for "You are."
Example: You're gay for having a shitty and bad Jeep.
Example 2: You're going to die because your head is on fire.
To all of you who will come back with "You have nothing better to do". You're right. I am at work, and do not.
To all of you who comment on having too much time on my hands for spelling correctly? Yes, using my brain to use the right word is certainly time consuming, and for this I apologize.
To all of you who "dont care"...congratulations, you fail at basic intelligent communication.
To all of you who cannot spell other basic words. You suck.
To all of you a good day, your all gay.
The Internet is serious, and your grammar is appalling. To operate a motor vehicle normally comes hand in hand with usage of this website, and with your ability to operate a motor vehicle comes the assumption that you all passed 2nd grade at one point or another, whether that be you spent 4 years trying or not, that is not my concern. However, you DID pass 2nd grade. With THAT comes the assumption that you learned how to speak, write, communicate in a basic manner and so on.
Your. You're. Two extremely elusive spellings of an extremely complicated set of English words. Both with separate meanings. This seemingly insurmountable speech/communication barrier seems to be something of an issue across the interweb land of sisoffroad. Its spelling and usage forever eluding the majority of the people who attempt it.
But with this letter I bring great news, for I am here to save you SiS. As I sit here at work, doing nothing productive, I felt it was time to educate.
Your. This is explaining ownership.
Example: I hate your Jeep, it is very shitty and bad.
Example 2: Your head is on fire, please put it out.
You're. This is short for "You are."
Example: You're gay for having a shitty and bad Jeep.
Example 2: You're going to die because your head is on fire.
To all of you who will come back with "You have nothing better to do". You're right. I am at work, and do not.
To all of you who comment on having too much time on my hands for spelling correctly? Yes, using my brain to use the right word is certainly time consuming, and for this I apologize.
To all of you who "dont care"...congratulations, you fail at basic intelligent communication.
To all of you who cannot spell other basic words. You suck.
To all of you a good day, your all gay.