I've been thinking about building a Knuckle jig I was going to build one for a D30 but I'm no longer using the D30 so changed my plan to building one for the D60 unit bearings because that is what I'm using.
I thought about building fabricated knuckles stronger use GM calipers and weld on High steer, maybe have the option for double shear heim joints.
However I don't have insurance for stuff like that and don't feel like purchasing it right now. especially after EVB type law suit.
Instead I was thinking I can loan out a jig to hold everything in place. And you can weld it yourself. Maybe I can supply the hard parts like the unit bearing flange and ball joint taper bung.
You build all the plate pieces and the steering arms, modify the Speedway brake calipers and weld it together yourself.
I hope I wouldn't be liable for anything doing it that way. You make it as strong as you think is needed. I just helped keep everything in line before you weld, I'm not reliable for welding warp either.
The jig would consist of a OEM C which holds the ball joints in the correct place, a mount to hole the unit bearing flange in the correct location.
I can also make a jig to hold caliper brackets in the correct place too and the OEM steering arms in the correct place, I don't want to tell you where to mount High steer arms because that will effect drive ability.
So my question what would you pay for a DIY jig to make custom knuckles,
I'll have to get a deposit on the jig so I get it back.
Then what knuckles would you like to have.
D30 for the XJs
and D50/D60 unit bearing Ball joint Knukles?
So is this something you guys would even like?
They already have D30 C gussets and RCV shafts to the D30 is getting pretty strong next weak link is the knuckle.
I think it would be worth it just for the high steer arms.
I thought about building fabricated knuckles stronger use GM calipers and weld on High steer, maybe have the option for double shear heim joints.
However I don't have insurance for stuff like that and don't feel like purchasing it right now. especially after EVB type law suit.
Instead I was thinking I can loan out a jig to hold everything in place. And you can weld it yourself. Maybe I can supply the hard parts like the unit bearing flange and ball joint taper bung.
You build all the plate pieces and the steering arms, modify the Speedway brake calipers and weld it together yourself.
I hope I wouldn't be liable for anything doing it that way. You make it as strong as you think is needed. I just helped keep everything in line before you weld, I'm not reliable for welding warp either.
The jig would consist of a OEM C which holds the ball joints in the correct place, a mount to hole the unit bearing flange in the correct location.
I can also make a jig to hold caliper brackets in the correct place too and the OEM steering arms in the correct place, I don't want to tell you where to mount High steer arms because that will effect drive ability.
So my question what would you pay for a DIY jig to make custom knuckles,
I'll have to get a deposit on the jig so I get it back.
Then what knuckles would you like to have.
D30 for the XJs
and D50/D60 unit bearing Ball joint Knukles?
So is this something you guys would even like?
They already have D30 C gussets and RCV shafts to the D30 is getting pretty strong next weak link is the knuckle.
I think it would be worth it just for the high steer arms.