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have you ever had a problem with a dana 35?

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  • Originally posted by Sphinx6211 View Post
    wow, you need to watch your mouth you fuckin dirtbag.. see, nothing was started till now.. I dont deal with this bullshit, and dont care. this internet trash talk is pretty rediculous to me. who cares that i talked about a dana 35. i never talked bad about any of you.
    Dude put your dick away, nobody is trying to start a fight, You are just acting a bit silly trying to discredit everyone who says to throw out the D35 you got for free and run something else because it is about the same as running a flaming pile of shit as a rear axle.

    I have seen literally half a dozen D35's break shit since I started wheeling. Only once did I see somebody blow up another rear axle. We are kinda beating a dead horse here, if you like to repair axles in your spare time then run it and have a blast. If not then don't sit here and ask for advice and then be like "Naw, I disagree, D35's are awesome".
    Last edited by iant333; 12-02-2010, 04:22 PM.
    01 XJ 3" on 33's and some new paint n stuff. Gone.

    1989 Jeep Comanche, sold to HeavyMetal

    2000 Subaru Impreza RS. Built WRX motor and coilovers and stuff.


    • Originally posted by Sphinx6211 View Post
      wow, you need to watch your mouth you fuckin dirtbag.. see, nothing was started till now.. I dont deal with this bullshit, and dont care. this internet trash talk is pretty rediculous to me. who cares that i talked about a dana 35. i never talked bad about any of you.
      Im not trying to start anything but you havent really been a sweet little butterfly either...

      97 TJ that I think is pretty neat.


      • Sergeant Sergeant Master Sergeant Shooter Person

        MS Paint " Its like painting with a sauce covered piece of pasta".

        Official In Crowd member.


        • Originally posted by Carlleen View Post
          Damn it feels good to be a gangster.
          God made the world in seven days, on the 7th day, he made the Le Car

          Real Jeeps have Unibodys


          • fred!!! i got you nigga
            No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

            ForSure Motorsports
            Win or Lose, We Booze.

            Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


            • Normally these threads don't get to me, but this one has made me physically angry. D35's suck fat fuckin dick. Don't bother wasting ANY money or time on it. You'll be wasting your time and your neighbor's time. Get an 8.25 and don't look back.
              1993 XJ sport 3.5" rustys 33" MTZ's armored.
              1999 sierra
              1967 M725 Big and Slow


              • [QUOTE=Sphinx6211;228967]I wanted to have a poll to see about those dana 35's... If yes what happened? I'm just real curious

                How is this begining thread opener asking your advice??? Your all teaming up on me for no reason, and this is still going on. I said i was going to run my free lsd dana 35 and thats it.... you are putting words into my mouth and putting me as the outcast, i dont know how many times i said i know they are weak i believe you, but im still running it. and thats up to me. stupid or not whatever. do i not belong here because I'm running a dana 35?

                and no one cares that people on here are trash talking me and taking things too far? calling me a cunt? what kind of club is this? (not all of you)


                • Thanks Zullo!

                  Originally posted by wannabejeep View Post
                  Normally these threads don't get to me, but this one has made me physically angry.
                  I love how I'm a dirtbag all of a sudden for calling this kid out on being a toolbox, when I know that if he snapped a shaft on the trail that I'd be the first one under the thing helping swap in a new shaft. Funny how someone elses stupidity makes me the bad guy. And since when is calling someone a little cunt not considered friendly banter? times are changing man.
                  "Watching you work on your Jeep is like watching a doctor operate on a cadaver...
                  It may be good practice, but in the end it won't do much good." -My Mother.


                  • Originally posted by Sphinx6211 View Post
                    what kind of club is this? (not all of you)
                    Originally posted by Sphinx6211 View Post
                    I deffinately wheel my jeep probably more than anyone on this site
                    I guess the kind that isnt up to your level?

                    Honestly, I dont understand what kind of results you expect from a group of people, with you saying things like that.

                    You made a poll, while going against common knowledge, with a very specific goal of manipulating people into saying what you wanted to prove a moot point.

                    Lots of people here have run and broken a Dana 35, and lots of others, have not (run one), because they know better.

                    Proving that people dont run D35s doesnt prove anything other than that there is a reason they dont run them. It isnt a "myth" that D35s break all the time for essentially no reason. I dont need to run one in my jeep personally to know that.

                    Just bringing logic to the table. The fact your D35 is "FREE" doesnt suddenly make it a good choice. People tried to help you, you got mad. The end.
                    - Will

                    Originally posted by fizzy
                    or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                    Originally posted by DizzDizz
                    aliens probed my husband


                    • The only thing I can compare this to is the automatic transmission in dodge trucks. Everyone knows they sucks and are going to need an overhaul, but still people knowingly drive them around. Thats basically what im doing with my axle.


                      • Originally posted by Sphinx6211 View Post
                        The only thing I can compare this to is the automatic transmission in dodge trucks. Everyone knows they sucks and are going to need an overhaul, but still people knowingly drive them around. Thats basically what im doing with my axle.
                        Except when people buy a jeep with a D35 and want to wheel, they typically do what they can to swap it out (especially someone such as yourself who wheels way more than everyone else on )

                        Swapping a D35 on leafs for a different 100 dollar axle (8.25) on leafs is not anywhere on the same level as a dodge transmission, skill wise, money wise, or work wise. Add in the fact youre actually swapping a D35 into the damn jeep, and we got ourselves a whole nother ballgame.

                        I dont understand the purpose of the poll.
                        - Will

                        Originally posted by fizzy
                        or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                        Originally posted by DizzDizz
                        aliens probed my husband


                        • Originally posted by Sphinx6211 View Post
                          The only thing I can compare this to is the automatic transmission in dodge trucks. Everyone knows they sucks and are going to need an overhaul, but still people knowingly drive them around. Thats basically what im doing with my axle.
                          changing out a dodge auto is a little different then swapping in an 8.25 for 100 bucks.....all we were saying was dont run it, yet you had to go and say shit about us? I dont get it man

                          97 TJ that I think is pretty neat.


                          • Originally posted by Sphinx6211 View Post
                            The only thing I can compare this to is the automatic transmission in dodge trucks. Everyone knows they sucks and are going to need an overhaul, but still people knowingly drive them around. Thats basically what im doing with my axle.

                            listen go and run that 35. put some chromo shafts in it, HD R&P and you'll outwheel ANYBODY

                            Originally posted by HitItWithSomeSpeed
                            didnt this thread start with Jon being gay? what happened to that?
                            Originally posted by Lawn Guyland
                            he's still gay we've just moved on to more important issues
                            Originally posted by Zullius Caesar
                            i grab dude's junk all the time, doesn't make me gay.


                            • to tell you the truth, i am actually genuinely surprised we havent had the cliche devils advocate come in here and go

                              What the fuck guys just let the kid do whatever he wants the d35 is going to be fine, im sure you all wouldnt want to deal with all this over a simple question!1!11!!11!
                              - Will

                              Originally posted by fizzy
                              or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                              Originally posted by DizzDizz
                              aliens probed my husband


                              • Originally posted by HitItWithSomeSpeed
                                didnt this thread start with Jon being gay? what happened to that?
                                Originally posted by Lawn Guyland
                                he's still gay we've just moved on to more important issues
                                Originally posted by Zullius Caesar
                                i grab dude's junk all the time, doesn't make me gay.

