Its the same thing with snow storms. When was the last time you heard of people being snowed into their homes? Maybe back when you couldnt put a plow on a horse but I think we`re a little past that. Just a little though
I don't always drink orange juice, but when I do, I prefer to chew it. #madpulp
lol god forbid we actually got hit with a serious storm. people can't even handle a little rain or snow.
that's what i was saying. all this hysteria is insane, its barely a tropical depression. i hope we get slammed hardcore with a category 3. so then people can have a reason to freak out. honestly the thunderstorms we got in early summer were way worse than anything we're gonna get tomr.
No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.
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i drizzled for about 45 seconds....That was quite a hurricane, but if it does decide to down pour, ill be at five guys eating a delicious burger and a bag of fries
God made the world in seven days, on the 7th day, he made the Le Car