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Operation Enduring Realness III (OER III) Aug 6-8, 2010

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  • Originally posted by ninetysix-ex-jay View Post
    Throw the t-case in 4wd and put the tranny in park
    And if my mental simulation is correct that will just make the opposite wheel turn the opposite direction.

    Most of the stuff there has no tires/wheels either.

    Originally posted by Lawn Guyland View Post
    garys? or harrys?

    garys is in upstate NY...harrys is much closer to RC lol
    Meant Harry's. And Garry's is in Binghampton, or maybe thats upstate for you lol.

    Whatever, their names are too damn similar.
    01 XJ 3" on 33's and some new paint n stuff. Gone.

    1989 Jeep Comanche, sold to HeavyMetal

    2000 Subaru Impreza RS. Built WRX motor and coilovers and stuff.


    • Originally posted by iant333 View Post
      And if my mental simulation is correct that will just make the opposite wheel turn the opposite direction.

      Most of the stuff there has no tires/wheels either.

      Meant Harry's. And Garry's is in Binghampton, or maybe thats upstate for you lol.

      Whatever, their names are too damn similar.
      oh yes. binghapton is very upstate for me. hahahhaa new paltz was "upstate" to me as well
      mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
      2022 JL Rubicon

      Originally posted by hoggie101
      and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


      • me and gary are leaving milford around 5 on thursday, then meeting phil in moments later at his shop, and hauling ass down there. Anyone going this route at this time is free to join. We are taking the tap to 287, so there is going to be an assumed amount of traffic. I'm guessing we will arrive later thursday night, so be ready with fire when we get there.

        BTW days are moving way too slow, can't wait for this weekend!!!!!

        Friday i will be running blacks, reds, and maybe some blues. i'm guessing groups will be better figured out that morning. There are some new trails, aka crawl daddy and cemetary that i know me, phil, gary, and others are itching to tear into which is most likely going to happen that day. hell i've even heard talk of jotters way being attempted on friday. So i'm more excited than i think anyone can be.

        From what i hear its supposed to be a great weekend, with some pretty cool camping nights, as long as it doesnt snow. I'll be completely okay.
        Last edited by Zullock Holmes; 08-03-2010, 01:19 AM.
        No worries, I'm not actually back, I'm just reminiscing about the old days.

        ForSure Motorsports
        Win or Lose, We Booze.

        Vice President of Internal Affairs at Dirty Donny's House of Hookers


        • Originally posted by TheNextSpanky View Post
          From what i hear its supposed to be a great weekend, with some pretty cool camping nights, as long as it doesnt snow. I'll be completely okay.

          I hate when its -10* and snowing there. And Im camping.

          Crawl Daddy Champion 2011

          1999 XJ 4 inchs of lift or so, 35s and some other stuff.


          • Originally posted by Bigbike View Post
            I hate when its -10* and snowing there. And Im camping.
            I hope we are ok. It can be 90+* at my house and hailing there
   says we should be ok from fri through monday but i dont believe him....EVER!!!
            2 Broncos are better than 1


            • I'll be there pretty late thursday night, nick will be there too.
              See you all then!


              • What do u guys typicallly bring for food? like easy to cook shit... I plan on having a small bbq to cook burgers and what not and will be bringing a waffle maker for breakfast but idk if i wanna eat the same thing for 3 days straight lol
                89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
                95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
                97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
                If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'

                "Shut up and Wheel"


                • Originally posted by WAD357 View Post
                  What do u guys typicallly bring for food? like easy to cook shit... I plan on having a small bbq to cook burgers and what not and will be bringing a waffle maker for breakfast but idk if i wanna eat the same thing for 3 days straight lol
                  Chef Boyardee ravioli straight fromm the can makes excellent trail food

                  Anything grilled - burgers, chicken, steak

                  A box of cereal or taylor ham/bacon/cheese/eggs etc., depending on budget

                  2012 Honda Accord - For DD/MPG Porpoises - Cooper Tire: Count on Cooper
                  2014 Granite Crystal WK2 Limited - Nitto Tire: Fueled by Enthusiasts

                  Poontang Pro 300EX 42" - For lawn porpoises
                  OG KOT #4736 Semper Sky Rock Racing/Standardbred Racing Designs 15.5 HP Turbo-Cool Craftsman, 6 Spd w/ crawl box, fat turf treads, Custom paint, and a red onzie


                  • i bought a bunch of snacky stuff...granola bars, goldfish, chips, etc for when we're out on the trail....then for grilling i think will & i are gonna grab some hot dogs, sausage patties, etc...all easy stuff!

                    don't forget the bbq sauce

                    and my cooler full of yueng is packed as well
                    mrs. heavymetal from jeepforum
                    2022 JL Rubicon

                    Originally posted by hoggie101
                    and everyone qute dis because its the best grammer im going to have all year


                    • never had that canned ravioli gunna have to give it a shot hitting stop n shop tommorow ill grab a bunchh of stuff there
                      89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
                      95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
                      97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
                      If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'

                      "Shut up and Wheel"


                      • canned ravioli: check.
                        chips: check.
                        water: check.
                        Arnold Palmer waterbottle packets: check
                        stuff for package: check.
                        beer: semi-check. not enough yet.
                        oil changed: check.
                        found the sleeping bag: check.
                        iPod fully loaded: check.
                        plans to get within 100 miles of home for my free AAA tow: check
                        2000 XJ: "The Black Jeep"
                        MK2 Jetta > M3
                        Chairman of the Chechnyan Space Program


                        • Well, I was in.... Unfortunately though, Bristol police exam is on the 7th and I can't miss it.

                          This circumstance renders me unavailable to attend, priorities.
                          Shane "The Bag" Carlson

                          2.5L TJ, 5-speed, frankenlift, and stuff.
                          My "Bucket" Build
                          ‚——P--;===±--= <-


                          • Well I posted this in another thread but just so everyone sees it IF someone has a Balljoint Press bring it with you!
                            89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
                            95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
                            97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
                            If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'

                            "Shut up and Wheel"


                            • rent that shit from autismzone
                              - Will

                              Originally posted by fizzy
                              or am asians pants not a read end lol.
                              Originally posted by DizzDizz
                              aliens probed my husband


                              • Originally posted by HeavyMetal View Post
                                rent that shit from autismzone
                                I would but I definatly wont have the cash to layout for that... might talk my buddy mike into getting one well see
                                89XJ Pioneer Edition 3.5" 33s ravines 4:10s 8.8- parted but not forgotten
                                95XJ tons 3 link 36s 5:38s
                                97 F-250HD 7.3 Turbo Diesel
                                If Parts Ain't Flyin' you Ain't Tryin'

                                "Shut up and Wheel"

