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Doorless Problem

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  • Doorless Problem

    OK, so i went to open my door this morning, and the upper pin on my hinge decided to snap and the door almost fell off (the bottom one stopped it).

    When i did the doorless mod, i drilled out the body mount hinge so the pin would be able to go in and out easier, thing is, all the slack led to stress and snapped the pin and the sag it had left my doors with a gap between it and the fender causing a big air drift to come into the cab.

    Right now i have a hex bolt with the head grounded round to hold the door on but the gap is even worse, what options are out there?

    This is on a '89 xj 4door with full power so the doors are far from light.
    God made the world in seven days, on the 7th day, he made the Le Car

    Real Jeeps have Unibodys

  • #2
    Get one of those quick release pins thats the exact diameter of the hole you drilled. OR a hex bolt to the exact size hole you drilled. Or stick the drill bit in there and peal the head over
    I don't always drink orange juice, but when I do, I prefer to chew it. #madpulp


    • #3
      Maybe you could hammer out the broken pin and install a new one with a larger diameter, Put it in a drill press and hold a file to it until you get the right diameter, taper the end too for easy install. Before you install the new pin heat the hinge, hammer it in and then when i cools it should be nice and TITE

