gonna look sweet with those led taillights hey guess what i did today..replaced my coilspring retainers i almost lost a coil the other day and i was like fawk me, i made fun of erich and karma wanted to whoop my ass. i didnt notice it was as rotted as it was
I haven't really done anything to the jeep lately but I have been adding parts to the pile.
Pile o Parts Include:
PSC Corner Guards w/ Flare
Lite DOT LEDs for the rear
LED front turn signals made by PSC
Also today I ordered up some long arms Clayton is waiting on their rear arms to come back from powder coating. I will have the kit mid week next week
I am dropping off the rear tubes at my friends house and his dad will be spraying them black and clearing them for me. I will be dropping the jeep off so he can do the fronts as well.
Then I'll wire up and get all of the lights on.
Then install the long arms
I think it might actually look like something now
I'll post pictures and updates as I start working on it
So there has always been alot of talk about me long arming the tj. So here it is. I picked everything up yesterday from Clayton. The truss was still hot from welding when I got there
HAHAHA That "Linkin Park Folder" is a binder of fucking pokemon cards my friend and I were admiring at the other day
Thank you jawsh, its come a long way. Alot of time and monies.
As for welding and installing everything, I'm shooting for within the next couple weeks. I'm going to be using my buddies barn which has a drive on lift and Mr. Zullo himself will be bringing his welder and helpin me out with all of that. Hopefully it'll be a one day deal.