Alright, again, brought it home feb/08, bought it from my friends brother who couldn't get it to stop overheating. one 3 dollar freeze out plug later and i have a jeep. I redid the upper-end gaskets then also.

Then i started looking for a lift for it. I knew i wanted to run 33" tires, and unfortunately my only access to the internet at that time was about once a month, so after being tricked into thinking i needed HUGE lift to fit that, i ordered the rustys 6.5" spring pack kit, a set of Swamper TrXus Mts on black d-windows, Advance Adapters SYE and a Tom Woods shaft. At that time i was working alot so it took me until april to finish putting it all together.

i had both axles out, cleaned them up almost to bare metal and used master series anti-rust paint on them as well as the whole under side of the jeep, ended up looking like this

After gaining more liberal access to internet i learned some more and one day i was bored so i cut my fenders and painted the edges all nice like, but in doing this realized how huge my lift is for 33's

Since then i've done my alternator, 120 amper from napa, gotten bad apple diff guards (sean, the owners shop and house are about a 10 min drive from my house), gotten TnT stiffeners but not installed them and replaced my power steering pump/pulley with reman/PSC 2401. As it sits currently

Right now i'm jobless, but once that changes i've gotta remove some leaves and add a longer shackle like doug, do much more bump-stopping, get some recovery points going, grab a d44 from the local yard (ice and snow are making it difficult, but maybe tomorrow) and eventually the treks long arm upgrade and some 35's,

Then i started looking for a lift for it. I knew i wanted to run 33" tires, and unfortunately my only access to the internet at that time was about once a month, so after being tricked into thinking i needed HUGE lift to fit that, i ordered the rustys 6.5" spring pack kit, a set of Swamper TrXus Mts on black d-windows, Advance Adapters SYE and a Tom Woods shaft. At that time i was working alot so it took me until april to finish putting it all together.

i had both axles out, cleaned them up almost to bare metal and used master series anti-rust paint on them as well as the whole under side of the jeep, ended up looking like this

After gaining more liberal access to internet i learned some more and one day i was bored so i cut my fenders and painted the edges all nice like, but in doing this realized how huge my lift is for 33's

Since then i've done my alternator, 120 amper from napa, gotten bad apple diff guards (sean, the owners shop and house are about a 10 min drive from my house), gotten TnT stiffeners but not installed them and replaced my power steering pump/pulley with reman/PSC 2401. As it sits currently

Right now i'm jobless, but once that changes i've gotta remove some leaves and add a longer shackle like doug, do much more bump-stopping, get some recovery points going, grab a d44 from the local yard (ice and snow are making it difficult, but maybe tomorrow) and eventually the treks long arm upgrade and some 35's,